package main import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" "" ) const ( CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES = "FILTER ATTRIBUTES" // CATEGORY_SIGNER = "SIGNER OPTIONS" -- defined at event.go as the same (yes, I know) ) var req = &cli.Command{ Name: "req", Usage: "generates encoded REQ messages and optionally use them to talk to relays", Description: `outputs a NIP-01 Nostr filter. when a relay is not given, will print the filter, otherwise will connect to the given relay and send the filter. example: nak req -k 1 -l 15 wss:// wss:// nak req -k 0 -a 3bf0c63fcb93463407af97a5e5ee64fa883d107ef9e558472c4eb9aaaefa459d wss:// | jq '.content | fromjson | .name' it can also take a filter from stdin, optionally modify it with flags and send it to specific relays (or just print it). example: echo '{"kinds": [1], "#t": ["test"]}' | nak req -l 5 -k 4549 --tag t=spam wss://`, DisableSliceFlagSeparator: true, Flags: append(defaultKeyFlags, append(reqFilterFlags, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "stream", Usage: "keep the subscription open, printing all events as they are returned", DefaultText: "false, will close on EOSE", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "paginate", Usage: "make multiple REQs to the relay decreasing the value of 'until' until 'limit' or 'since' conditions are met", DefaultText: "false", }, &cli.DurationFlag{ Name: "paginate-interval", Usage: "time between queries when using --paginate", }, &cli.UintFlag{ Name: "paginate-global-limit", Usage: "global limit at which --paginate should stop", DefaultText: "uses the value given by --limit/-l or infinite", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "bare", Usage: "when printing the filter, print just the filter, not enveloped in a [\"REQ\", ...] array", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "auth", Usage: "always perform NIP-42 \"AUTH\" when facing an \"auth-required: \" rejection and try again", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force-pre-auth", Aliases: []string{"fpa"}, Usage: "after connecting, for a NIP-42 \"AUTH\" message to be received, act on it and only then send the \"REQ\"", Category: CATEGORY_SIGNER, }, )..., ), ArgsUsage: "[relay...]", Action: func(ctx context.Context, c *cli.Command) error { relayUrls := c.Args().Slice() if len(relayUrls) > 0 { relays := connectToAllRelays(ctx, relayUrls, c.Bool("force-pre-auth"), nostr.WithAuthHandler( func(ctx context.Context, authEvent nostr.RelayEvent) error { if !c.Bool("auth") && !c.Bool("force-pre-auth") { return fmt.Errorf("auth not authorized") } kr, _, err := gatherKeyerFromArguments(ctx, c) if err != nil { return err } pk, _ := kr.GetPublicKey(ctx) log("performing auth as %s... ", pk) return kr.SignEvent(ctx, authEvent.Event) }, ), ) if len(relays) == 0 { log("failed to connect to any of the given relays.\n") os.Exit(3) } relayUrls = make([]string, len(relays)) for i, relay := range relays { relayUrls[i] = relay.URL } defer func() { for _, relay := range relays { relay.Close() } }() } for stdinFilter := range getStdinLinesOrBlank() { filter := nostr.Filter{} if stdinFilter != "" { if err := easyjson.Unmarshal([]byte(stdinFilter), &filter); err != nil { ctx = lineProcessingError(ctx, "invalid filter '%s' received from stdin: %s", stdinFilter, err) continue } } if err := applyFlagsToFilter(c, &filter); err != nil { return err } if len(relayUrls) > 0 { fn := sys.Pool.SubManyEose if c.Bool("paginate") { fn = paginateWithParams(c.Duration("paginate-interval"), c.Uint("paginate-global-limit")) } else if c.Bool("stream") { fn = sys.Pool.SubMany } for ie := range fn(ctx, relayUrls, nostr.Filters{filter}) { stdout(ie.Event) } } else { // no relays given, will just print the filter var result string if c.Bool("bare") { result = filter.String() } else { j, _ := json.Marshal(nostr.ReqEnvelope{SubscriptionID: "nak", Filters: nostr.Filters{filter}}) result = string(j) } stdout(result) } } exitIfLineProcessingError(ctx) return nil }, } var reqFilterFlags = []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "author", Aliases: []string{"a"}, Usage: "only accept events from these authors (pubkey as hex)", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "id", Aliases: []string{"i"}, Usage: "only accept events with these ids (hex)", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.IntSliceFlag{ Name: "kind", Aliases: []string{"k"}, Usage: "only accept events with these kind numbers", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "tag", Aliases: []string{"t"}, Usage: "takes a tag like -t e=, only accept events with these tags", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "e", Usage: "shortcut for --tag e=", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "p", Usage: "shortcut for --tag p=", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "d", Usage: "shortcut for --tag d=", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &NaturalTimeFlag{ Name: "since", Aliases: []string{"s"}, Usage: "only accept events newer than this (unix timestamp)", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &NaturalTimeFlag{ Name: "until", Aliases: []string{"u"}, Usage: "only accept events older than this (unix timestamp)", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.UintFlag{ Name: "limit", Aliases: []string{"l"}, Usage: "only accept up to this number of events", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "search", Usage: "a NIP-50 search query, use it only with relays that explicitly support it", Category: CATEGORY_FILTER_ATTRIBUTES, }, } func applyFlagsToFilter(c *cli.Command, filter *nostr.Filter) error { if authors := c.StringSlice("author"); len(authors) > 0 { filter.Authors = append(filter.Authors, authors...) } if ids := c.StringSlice("id"); len(ids) > 0 { filter.IDs = append(filter.IDs, ids...) } for _, kind64 := range c.IntSlice("kind") { filter.Kinds = append(filter.Kinds, int(kind64)) } if search := c.String("search"); search != "" { filter.Search = search } tags := make([][]string, 0, 5) for _, tagFlag := range c.StringSlice("tag") { spl := strings.SplitN(tagFlag, "=", 2) if len(spl) == 2 { tags = append(tags, spl) } else { return fmt.Errorf("invalid --tag '%s'", tagFlag) } } for _, etag := range c.StringSlice("e") { tags = append(tags, []string{"e", etag}) } for _, ptag := range c.StringSlice("p") { tags = append(tags, []string{"p", ptag}) } for _, dtag := range c.StringSlice("d") { tags = append(tags, []string{"d", dtag}) } if len(tags) > 0 && filter.Tags == nil { filter.Tags = make(nostr.TagMap) } for _, tag := range tags { if _, ok := filter.Tags[tag[0]]; !ok { filter.Tags[tag[0]] = make([]string, 0, 3) } filter.Tags[tag[0]] = append(filter.Tags[tag[0]], tag[1]) } if c.IsSet("since") { nts := getNaturalDate(c, "since") filter.Since = &nts } if c.IsSet("until") { nts := getNaturalDate(c, "until") filter.Until = &nts } if limit := c.Uint("limit"); limit != 0 { filter.Limit = int(limit) } else if c.IsSet("limit") { filter.LimitZero = true } return nil }