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356 lines
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356 lines
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package main
import (
func getMusigAggregatedKey(_ context.Context, keys []string) (string, error) {
knownSigners := make([]*btcec.PublicKey, len(keys))
for i, spk := range keys {
bpk, err := hex.DecodeString(spk)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("'%s' is invalid hex: %w", spk, err)
if len(bpk) == 32 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("'%s' is missing the leading parity byte", spk)
pk, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(bpk)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid pubkey: %w", spk, err)
knownSigners[i] = pk
aggpk, _, _, err := musig2.AggregateKeys(knownSigners, true)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("aggregation failed: %w", err)
return hex.EncodeToString(aggpk.FinalKey.SerializeCompressed()[1:]), nil
func performMusig(
_ context.Context,
sec string,
evt *nostr.Event,
numSigners int,
keys []string,
nonces []string,
secNonce string,
partialSigs []string,
) (signed bool, err error) {
// preprocess data received
secb, err := hex.DecodeString(sec)
if err != nil {
return false, err
seck, pubk := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(secb)
knownSigners := make([]*btcec.PublicKey, 0, numSigners)
includesUs := false
for _, hexpub := range keys {
bpub, err := hex.DecodeString(hexpub)
if err != nil {
return false, err
spub, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(bpub)
if err != nil {
return false, err
knownSigners = append(knownSigners, spub)
if spub.IsEqual(pubk) {
includesUs = true
if !includesUs {
knownSigners = append(knownSigners, pubk)
knownNonces := make([][66]byte, 0, numSigners)
for _, hexnonce := range nonces {
bnonce, err := hex.DecodeString(hexnonce)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if len(bnonce) != 66 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("nonce is not 66 bytes: %s", hexnonce)
var b66nonce [66]byte
copy(b66nonce[:], bnonce)
knownNonces = append(knownNonces, b66nonce)
knownPartialSigs := make([]*musig2.PartialSignature, 0, numSigners)
for _, hexps := range partialSigs {
bps, err := hex.DecodeString(hexps)
if err != nil {
return false, err
var ps musig2.PartialSignature
if err := ps.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(bps)); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid partial signature %s: %w", hexps, err)
knownPartialSigs = append(knownPartialSigs, &ps)
// create the context
var mctx *musig2.Context
if len(knownSigners) < numSigners {
// we don't know all the signers yet
mctx, err = musig2.NewContext(seck, true,
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create signing context with %d unknown signers: %w",
numSigners, err)
} else {
// we know all the signers
mctx, err = musig2.NewContext(seck, true,
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create signing context with %d known signers: %w",
len(knownSigners), err)
// nonce generation phase -- for sharing
if len(knownSigners) < numSigners {
// if we don't have all the signers we just generate a nonce and yield it to the next people
nonce, err := mctx.EarlySessionNonce()
if err != nil {
return false, err
log("the following code should be saved secretly until the next step an included with --musig-nonce-secret:\n")
log("%s\n\n", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(nonce.SecNonce[:]))
knownNonces = append(knownNonces, nonce.PubNonce)
printPublicCommandForNextPeer(evt, numSigners, knownSigners, knownNonces, nil, false)
return false, nil
// if we got here we have all the pubkeys, so we can print the combined key
if comb, err := mctx.CombinedKey(); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to combine keys (after %d signers): %w", len(knownSigners), err)
} else {
evt.PubKey = hex.EncodeToString(comb.SerializeCompressed()[1:])
evt.ID = evt.GetID()
log("combined key: %x\n\n", comb.SerializeCompressed())
// we have all the signers, which means we must also have all the nonces
var session *musig2.Session
if len(keys) == numSigners-1 {
// if we were the last to include our key, that means we have to include our nonce here to
// i.e. we didn't input our own pub nonce in the parameters
session, err = mctx.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create session as the last peer to include our key: %w", err)
knownNonces = append(knownNonces, session.PublicNonce())
} else {
// otherwise we have included our own nonce in the parameters (from copypasting) but must
// also include the secret nonce that wasn't shared with peers
if secNonce == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("missing --musig-nonce-secret value")
secNonceB, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(secNonce)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("invalid --musig-nonce-secret: %w", err)
var secNonce97 [97]byte
copy(secNonce97[:], secNonceB)
session, err = mctx.NewSession(musig2.WithPreGeneratedNonce(&musig2.Nonces{
SecNonce: secNonce97,
PubNonce: secNonceToPubNonce(secNonce97),
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to create signing session with secret nonce: %w", err)
var noncesOk bool
for _, b66nonce := range knownNonces {
if b66nonce == session.PublicNonce() {
// don't add our own nonce
noncesOk, err = session.RegisterPubNonce(b66nonce)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to register nonce: %w", err)
if !noncesOk {
return false, fmt.Errorf("we've registered all the nonces we had but at least one is missing, this shouldn't happen")
// signing phase
// we always have to sign, so let's do this
id := evt.GetID()
hash, _ := hex.DecodeString(id)
var msg32 [32]byte
copy(msg32[:], hash)
partialSig, err := session.Sign(msg32) // this will already include our sig in the bundle
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to produce partial signature: %w", err)
if len(knownPartialSigs)+1 < len(knownSigners) {
// still missing some signatures
knownPartialSigs = append(knownPartialSigs, partialSig) // we include ours here just so it's printed
printPublicCommandForNextPeer(evt, numSigners, knownSigners, knownNonces, knownPartialSigs, true)
return false, nil
} else {
// we have all signatures
for _, ps := range knownPartialSigs {
_, err = session.CombineSig(ps)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to combine partial signature: %w", err)
// we have the signature
evt.Sig = hex.EncodeToString(session.FinalSig().Serialize())
return true, nil
func printPublicCommandForNextPeer(
evt *nostr.Event,
numSigners int,
knownSigners []*btcec.PublicKey,
knownNonces [][66]byte,
knownPartialSigs []*musig2.PartialSignature,
includeNonceSecret bool,
) {
maybeNonceSecret := ""
if includeNonceSecret {
maybeNonceSecret = " --musig-nonce-secret '<insert-nonce-secret>'"
log("the next signer and they should call this on their side:\nnak event --sec <insert-secret-key> --musig %d %s%s%s%s%s\n",
func eventToCliArgs(evt *nostr.Event) string {
b := strings.Builder{}
b.WriteString("-k ")
b.WriteString(" -ts ")
b.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(evt.CreatedAt), 10))
b.WriteString(" -c '")
for _, tag := range evt.Tags {
b.WriteString(" -t '")
if len(tag) > 1 {
if len(tag) > 2 {
for _, item := range tag[2:] {
return b.String()
func signersToCliArgs(knownSigners []*btcec.PublicKey) string {
b := strings.Builder{}
b.Grow(len(knownSigners) * (16 + 66))
for _, signerPub := range knownSigners {
b.WriteString(" --musig-pubkey ")
return b.String()
func noncesToCliArgs(knownNonces [][66]byte) string {
b := strings.Builder{}
b.Grow(len(knownNonces) * (15 + 132))
for _, nonce := range knownNonces {
b.WriteString(" --musig-nonce ")
return b.String()
func partialSigsToCliArgs(knownPartialSigs []*musig2.PartialSignature) string {
b := strings.Builder{}
b.Grow(len(knownPartialSigs) * (17 + 64))
for _, partialSig := range knownPartialSigs {
b.WriteString(" --musig-partial ")
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
return b.String()
// this function is copied from btcec because it's not exported for some reason
func secNonceToPubNonce(secNonce [musig2.SecNonceSize]byte) [musig2.PubNonceSize]byte {
var k1Mod, k2Mod btcec.ModNScalar
var r1, r2 btcec.JacobianPoint
btcec.ScalarBaseMultNonConst(&k1Mod, &r1)
btcec.ScalarBaseMultNonConst(&k2Mod, &r2)
// Next, we'll convert the key in jacobian format to a normal public
// key expressed in affine coordinates.
r1Pub := btcec.NewPublicKey(&r1.X, &r1.Y)
r2Pub := btcec.NewPublicKey(&r2.X, &r2.Y)
var pubNonce [musig2.PubNonceSize]byte
// The public nonces are serialized as: R1 || R2, where both keys are
// serialized in compressed format.
copy(pubNonce[:], r1Pub.SerializeCompressed())
return pubNonce