A special event with kind `3`, meaning "contact list" is defined as having a list of `p` tags, one for each of the followed/known profiles one is following.
Each tag entry should contain the key for the profile, a relay URL where events from that key can be found (can be set to an empty string if not needed), and a local name (or "petname") for that profile (can also be set to an empty string or not provided), i.e., `["p", <32-bytes hex key>, <main relay URL>, <petname>]`. The `content` can be anything and should be ignored.
Every new contact list that gets published overwrites the past ones, so it should contain all entries. Relays and clients SHOULD delete past contact lists as soon as they receive a new one.
## Uses
### Contact list backup
If one believes a relay will store their events for sufficient time, they can use this kind-3 event to backup their following list and recover on a different device.
### Profile discovery and context augmentation
A client may rely on the kind-3 event to display a list of followed people by profiles one is browsing; make lists of suggestions on who to follow based on the contact lists of other people one might be following or browsing; or show the data in other contexts.
### Relay sharing
A client may publish a full list of contacts with good relays for each of their contacts so other clients may use these to update their internal relay lists if needed, increasing censorship-resistant.
### Petname scheme
The data from these contact lists can be used by clients to construct local ["petname"](http://www.skyhunter.com/marcs/petnames/IntroPetNames.html) tables derived from other people's contact lists. This alleviates the need for global human-readable names. For example: