Pick just 3 fields and filters as required

This commit is contained in:
arthurfranca 2023-09-22 10:49:27 -03:00
parent 1669f2d751
commit 6da937507c

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@ -10,76 +10,64 @@ Relays may attach event metadata to requested events.
## Motivation
To save relay bandwidth while helping clients show event metadata estimates faster.
To save relay and client bandwidth.
## Fields
All fields are optional and live inside an extra nip17 key.
Some fields only make sense for a subset of kinds.
New fields may be added to this NIP later.
All extra fields live inside an extra `meta` key.
### Returned Event Example
"kind": ..., // 1, 30023, 0, ...
..., // regular keys
"nip17": {
"country": "US", // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code extracted from NIP-32 label (geohash/country/... l tag) or detected by IP
"followers": 500, // sent with kind 0 events
"language": "en", // ISO 639-1 code of detected event.content language
"reactions": {
"+": 8, // kind 7 "+" reaction count (should be the sum of "+" and all emoji reactions)
"-": 0, // kind 7 "-" reaction count
"🤙️": 10 // kind 7 specific emoji reaction count
"relays": ["wss://relay.url"], // event found originally on these relays
..., // regular event fields
"meta": {
"isRoot": true, // true when the event holds no `e` nor `a` tags
"language": "en", // ISO 639-1 code of detected using event.content language
// ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. Detection strategies:
// - detected by IP
// - extracted from "g" (geohash) tag
// - selecting one of the countries that use the detected "language" as the main one
"country": "US",
"replies": 10, // direct descendant kind 1 reply count
"reposts": 20, // NIP-18 repost count
"views": 900, // request count from different IPs, device ids or pubkeys
"followers": 500, // sent with kind 0 events; the value is 0 otherwise
"zaps": 7, // kind 9735 count
"zap_amount": 10000 // kind 9735 millisats amount sum
"zap_amount": 10000, // kind 9735 millisats amount sum
"reactions": {
"+": 12, // kind 7 "+" reaction count (should be the sum of "+" and all emoji reactions)
"-": 3, // kind 7 "-" reaction count
"🤙️": 10 // kind 7 specific emoji reaction count
"relays": ["wss://relay.url"] // event found originally on these relays
## Filter Extensions
## Filters
Clients can use extra filter attributes when requesting events. They additional attributes
are limited to a subset of the NIP-17 fields and are namespaced in the `nip17` filter key.
Relays MUST support extra `REQ` message's filter attributes inside the `meta` field. Multiple
fields inside the `meta` key are considered "AND" conditions.
Relays should use NIP-11 `supported_nip_extensions` when supporting an extension.
#### Is Root
For example: { "supported_nips": [17], "supported_nip_extensions": ["nip17language", "nip17country"] }
`["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "meta": { "isRoot": false } }]`
### NIP-17country
### Language
Filter by country.
The array is considered "OR" condition.
Example request: `["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "nip17": { "country": ["US", "GB"] } }]`
`["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "meta": { "language": ["en", "pt"] } }]`
### NIP-17followers
#### Country
Filter by number of followers.
The array is considered "OR" condition.
Example request: `["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [0], ..., "nip17": { "followers": ">100000" } }]`
### NIP-17language
Filter by language.
Example request: `["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "nip17": { "language": ["en", "pt"] } }]`
### NIP-17reactions
Filter by number of reactions. Just `reactions.+` and `reactions.-` fields.
Example request: `["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "nip17": { "reactions.+": ">1000", "reactions.-": "<1000" } }]`
### NIP-17replies
Filter by number of replies.
Example request: `["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "nip17": { "replies": ">100" } }]`
`["REQ", <sub_id>, { "kinds": [1], ..., "meta": { "country": ["US", "GB"] } }]`