Cryptographic identities

This commit is contained in:
franzap 2024-06-28 17:09:37 -03:00
parent 346ecd1114
commit 7dfa437f0a

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@ -13,26 +13,34 @@ Nostr protocol users may have other online identities such as usernames, profile
## `i` tag on a metadata event
A new optional `i` tag is introduced for `kind 0` metadata event contents in addition to name, about, picture fields as included in [NIP-01](
"kind": 0,
"tags": [
["i", "github:semisol", "9721ce4ee4fceb91c9711ca2a6c9a5ab"],
["i", "twitter:semisol_public", "1619358434134196225"],
["i", "", "109775066355589974"]
["i", "telegram:1087295469", "nostrdirectory/770"]
["i", "", "109775066355589974"],
["i", "telegram:1087295469", "nostrdirectory/770"],
// ...
An `i` tag will have two parameters, which are defined as the following:
1. `platform:identity`: This is the platform name (for example `github`) and the identity on that platform (for example `semisol`) joined together with `:`.
2. `proof`: String or object that points to the proof of owning this identity.
An `i` tag will have two parameters and an optional third parameter, which are defined as the following:
1. `type:identity`: This is the platform name (for example `github`) or the linked cryptographic identity type (for example `openpgp4fpr`), and the identity on that platform (for example `semisol`) or public key fingerprint (for example `1A04E0F1A78D982BD8885B7EB325A9C5F70849D0`) joined together with `:`.
2. `proof`: String that points to the proof of owning this identity or is the proof itself (crytographic signature).
3. The full public key in the case of a cryptographic identity.
Clients SHOULD process any `i` tags with more than 2 values for future extensibility.
Clients SHOULD process any `i` tags with more than 3 values for future extensibility.
Identity provider names SHOULD only include `a-z`, `0-9` and the characters `._-/` and MUST NOT include `:`.
Identity names SHOULD be normalized if possible by replacing uppercase letters with lowercase letters, and if there are multiple aliases for an entity the primary one should be used.
## Revocation
The event MAY be updated by removing `i` tags that no longer apply.
## Claim types
### `github`
@ -62,3 +70,79 @@ Identity: A Telegram user ID.
Proof: A string in the format `<ref>/<id>` which points to a message published in the public channel or group with name `<ref>` and message ID `<id>`. This message should be sent by user ID `<identity>` and have the text `Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: "<npub encoded public key>"`.
This can be located at `<proof>`.
### `openpgp4fpr`
Identity: A PGP fingerprint as described in the [openpgp4fpr URI scheme](, uppercase.
Proof: A signature of the text `Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: "<npub encoded public key>"` in base64 format, unwrapped.
Public key material: The full PGP public key in base64 format, unwrapped.
#### Example
"kind": 0,
"tags": [
// ...
// ...
Example command to obtain a signature:
echo 'Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: "<npub encoded public key>"' | gpg --sign --armor | base64
Example command to export the public key:
gpg --armor --export | base64
### `x509`
Identity: The X.509 certificate's fingerprint, uppercase.
Proof: A signature of the text `Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: "<npub encoded public key>"` in base64 format, unwrapped.
Public key material: The full public key of the certificate in base64 format, unwrapped.
#### Example
"kind": 0,
"tags": [
["i", "x509:3220C353A73CFBD0C2F3052471C445324CF452BCBA26DE1C473A52FE5C44E1D6", "DRhQobBXnYFijFjJFZNWiAstqDv+8OACMQIzh+KKw0XS1PW869alYSW4erTUx8xlymlpMoC9et5+kLcfkOXf9jF2UVv5R1JCEGwD5L3/04OtT97h9CftPy1pvuYV6mhja3Ccv2RKGg7Hk99VlpQtFjtgbmCTxaXONGNhYbR/EL6aCEvKfyuuYyodtWTyo1Ys/R6eF7dqFPrDQ/rQ5W14Jmfxhvgn0SW83WqFy/d1A6AQqrku1ZWcHqk41Xaj72A5VmYY5bIe5NTTPTFVz6WhHkx452iZ9w6YlEz2PGzYlUAwq0arpXsD8BJrfBrTj9t+PMRvTV+Sw50Hgu4Ajl9waw==", "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"],
// ...
// ...
Example command to find the SHA-256 fingerprint of the certificate from a keystore:
keytool -list -keystore example.keystore
Example commands to extract the private key and sign the message:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore example.keystore -destkeystore example.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12
openssl pkcs12 -in example.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out privatekey.pem
echo 'Verifying that I control the following Nostr public key: "<npub encoded public key>"' | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign privatekey.pem | openssl base64 -A
Example command to extract the public key:
openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -pubout | base64