NIP-32 ====== Labeling --------- `draft` `optional` `author:staab` `author:gruruya` `author:s3x-jay` A label is a `kind 1985` event that is used to label other entities. This supports a number of use cases: - Distributed moderation and content recommendations - Reviews and ratings - Definition of edges in a graph structure Label Target ---- The label event MUST include one or more tags representing the object or objects being labeled: `e`, `p`, `a`, `r`, or `t` tags. This allows for labeling of events, people, relays, or topics respectively. As with NIP-01, a relay hint SHOULD be included when using `e` and `p` tags. Label Tag ---- This NIP introduces a new tag `l` which denotes a label, and a new `L` tag which denotes a label namespace. A label MUST include a mark matching an `L` tag. `L` tags refer to a tag type within nostr, or a nomenclature external to nostr defined either formally or by convention. Any string can be a namespace, but publishers SHOULD ensure they are unambiguous by using a well-defined ISO standard or reverse domain name notation. Some examples: Namespaces starting with `#` indicate that the label target should be associated with the label's value. This is a way of attaching standard nostr tags to events, pubkeys, relays, urls, etc. - `["l", "footstr", "#t"]` - the publisher thinks the given entity should have the `footstr` topic applied. - `["l", "", "#p"]` - the publisher thinks the given entity is related to `` - `["l", "D005528", "MeSH"]` - ["Foot"]( from NIH's Medical Subject Headings vocabulary - `["l", "3173435", "GeoNames"]` - [Milan, Italy]( using the GeoNames coding system - `["l", "IT-MI", "ISO-3166-2"]` - Milano, Italy using ISO 3166-2. - `["l", "VI-hum", "social.nos.ontology"]` - Violence toward a human being as defined by - `["l", "review", "social.coracle.ontology"]` - the publisher is leaving a review about the target, as defined by `L` tags containing the label namespaces MUST be included in order to support searching by namespace rather than by a specific tag. The special `ugc` ("user generated content") namespace MAY be used when the label content is provided by an end user. `l` and `L` tags MAY be added to other event kinds to support self-reporting. For events with a kind other than 1985, labels refer to the event itself. Label Annotations ----- A label tag MAY include a 4th positional element detailing extra metadata about the label in question. This string should be a json-encoded object. Any key MAY be used, but the following are recommended: - `quality` may have a value of 0 to 1. This allows for an absolute, granular scale that can be represented in any way (5 stars, color scale, etc). - `confidence` may have a value of 0 to 1. This indicates the certainty which the author has about their rating. - `context` may be a comma-separated list of urls (including NIP-21 urls) indicating other context that should be considered when interpreting labels. Content ------- Labels should be short, meaningful strings. Longer discussions, such as for a review, or an explanation of why something was labeled the way it was, should go in the event's `content` field. Example events -------------- A single event can apply multiple labels to multiple targets to support mass-tagging. Multiple namespaces may be used at the same time. ```json { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ ["e", , ], ["p", , ], ["t", "chickens"], ["L", "#t"] ["L", "ugc"] ["L", "com.example.labels"] ["l", "chickens", "#t"], ["l", "user generated content", "ugc"], ["l", "permaculture", "com.example.labels"], ["l", "permies", "com.example.labels"], ["l", "farming", "com.example.labels"], ], "content": "", ... } ``` A suggestion that multiple pubkeys be associated with the `permies` topic. ```json { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ ["L", "#t"], ["l", "permies", "#t"], ["p", , ], ["p", , ] ], "content": "", ... } ``` A review of a relay, as relates to certain topics, including additional dimensions. The author is indicating here that `relay_url` is related to the bitcoin topic, but they're not very sure that's the case. ```json { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ ["L", "#t"], ["l", "bitcoin", "#t", "{\"quality\": 0.7, \"confidence\": 0.2}"], ["r", ] ], "content": "I think this relay is mostly just bitcoiners.", ... } ``` A plain review of a relay. ```json { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ ["L", "social.coracle.ontology"], ["l", "review", "social.coracle.ontology", "{\"quality\": 0.1}"], ["r", ] ], "content": "This relay is full of mean people.", ... } ``` A more abstract use case: defining an edge in a graph structure, in this case identifying a lightning channel that is open between two pubkeys. This just demonstrates the flexibility this spec provides for overlaying structured metadata on top of nostr. ```json { "kind": 1985, "tags": [ ["L", "my-lightning-nomenclature"], ["l", "channel", "my-lightning-nomenclature"], ["p", , ], ["p", , ] ], "content": "", ... } ``` Publishers can self-label by adding `l` tags to their own non-1985 events. ```json { "kind": 1, "tags": [ ["L", "social.nos.ontology"], ["l", "IL-frd", "social.nos.ontology"] ], "content": "Send me 100 sats and I'll send you 200 back", ... } ```