NIP-XX ====== External Content IDs ------------------------- `draft` `optional` There are certain established global content identifiers that would be useful to reference in nostr events so that clients can query all events assosiated with these ids. - Book [ISBNs]( - Podcast [GUIDs]( - Movie [EIDRs]( Since the `i` tag is already used for similar references in kind-0 metadata events it makes sense to use it for these content ids as well. ## Supported IDs ### Books: - Book ISBN: `["i", "book:isbn:123"]` ### Podcasts: - Podcast Feed GUID: `["i", "podcast:guid:123"]` - Podcast Item GUID: `["i", "podcast:item:guid:123"]` ### Movies: - Movie EIDR: `["i", "movie:eidr:123"]`