NIP-09 ====== Event Deletion -------------- `draft` `optional` Event kind `5` describes a deletion event. It MUST contain a list of `e` or `a` tags, each referencing the events the author is requesting to be deleted. `a` tags request the deletion of all past versions of a replaceable event: all versions whose `.created_at` is less or equal the deletion request's `created_at`. The `.content` MAY contain the reason for the deletion. `k` tags MAY be added to describe the kinds of the referenced events. ``` { "kind": 5, "pubkey": <32-bytes hex-encoded public key of the event creator>, "tags": [ ["e", "dcd59..464a2"], ["e", "968c5..ad7a4"], ["k", ""], ["k", ""], ["a", "::"] ], "content": "these posts were published by accident", ...other fields } ``` Supporters MUST verify if the `pubkey` of the Deletion event is the same as the `pubkey` of the referenced events. Relays SHOULD delete or stop publishing any referenced events of the deletion request. Relays SHOULD continue to publish/share the deletion events indefinitely, as clients may already have the event that's intended to be deleted. Clients SHOULD hide or otherwise indicate a deleted status for referenced events. Clients SHOULD broadcast deletion events to other relays which don't have it. ## Deleting a Deletion Publishing a deletion event against a deletion has no effect.