NIP-74 ====== Proxy and Broadcasting Relay Lists ---------------------------------- `draft` `optional` Kind `10017` indicates the user's preferred relays for proxy downloads. Such services save the user's bandwidth by utilizing a single connection to a proxy relay which reaches out to all of the other relays. Kind `10018` indicates the user's preferred relays for broadcasting relays. Such services improve the user's privacy by utilizing a broadcasting relay to distribute an event to all of the appropriate relays without requiring the user to connect with each of those relays. Both events MUST include a list of `relay` URLs in private tags. Private tags are JSON Stringified, NIP-44-encrypted to the signer's keys and placed inside the `.content` of the event. ```js { "kind": 10017, "tags": [], "content": nip44Encrypt(JSON.stringify([ ["relay", "wss://"] ])) //...other fields } ``` ```js { "kind": 10018, "tags": [], "content": nip44Encrypt(JSON.stringify([ ["relay", "wss://"] ])) //...other fields } ``` Clients SHOULD use proxy relays to download events before using its own event-finding method. Clients SHOULD use broadcasting relays instead of the Client's own event publishing algorithms. Clients SHOULD publish kind `10017` and `10018` events to the author's [NIP-65]( `write` relays.