NIP-101 ====== Mailing lists ------------- `final` `optional` `author:KaffinPX` Mailing lists are subscriptions for receiving materials from inviduals or organizations, `kind 1923` can be used for subscribing to mailing lists owned by an user. `tags` MUST contain an entry identifying the invidiual or organization subscribing to, in the form of `["p", ""]`. The `content` MUST contain a valid e-mail address encrypted by same method of encrypted direct messages(NIP-04) for subscribed pubkey. `tags` MAY contain an entry identifying the topic subscribing to, in the form of `["t", ""]`. **As example:** ```json { "kind": 1923, "tags": [ ["p", ], ["t", "nostr"] ], "content": , ... } ``` After that, invidual or organization can fetch, filter, decrypt and check events for subscribed e-mail addresses. Can be unsubscribed from mailing lists by event deletion(NIP-09).