NIP-20 ====== Web Comments ------------ `draft` `optional` `author:fiatjaf` A special event with kind `34` is defined, meaning "web comment". Events of this kind should have at least one `r` tag with the value set to the normalized URL of the webpage they're commenting in. The content should be the plaintext of the comment. For example: ```json { "kind": 34, "tags": [ ["r", ""] ], "content": "I didn't like this article.", ...other fields ``` URL Normalization ----------------- Early prototypes have been using the following naïve URL normalization algorithm: ```js export function normalizeURL(raw) { let url = new URL(raw) return ( url.origin .replace('://m.', '://') // remove known 'mobile' subdomains .replace('://mobile.', '://') .replace('http://', 'https://') // default everything to https (maybe a terrible idea) .replace( /:\d+/, port => (port === ':443' || port === ':80' ? '' : port)) + // remove 443 and 80 ports url.pathname .replace(/\/+/g, '/') // remove duplicated slashes in the middle of the path .replace(/\/*$/, '') // remove slashes from the end of path // notice that only origin ("") and pathname ("/article") are used, all the rest is thrown away ) } ``` This is open for improvement, of course.