NIP-69 ====== Deleting a Pubkey ----------------- `draft` `optional` `author:alexgleason` Events of [kind `5`]( may contain a "p" tag instead of "e" tags. The "p" tag MUST match the `pubkey` of the signed event, and this event indicates that the author wishes for relays and clients to stop showing events for this pubkey, and to reject future events from the pubkey. ### Client behavior Clients which recieve a pubkey deletion event SHOULD treat all events from that pubkey as if they were deleted in accordance with [NIP-09]( Clients may give users the option to "Delete your account" with this type of event. Clients SHOULD display a prominent message explaining that the action is not reversible, and SHOULD require special confirmation such as requiring the user to type a message. ### Relay behavior Relays receiving a pubkey deletion event MUST mark the pubkey as deleted, and MUST stop delivering events from this pubkey to clients, EXCEPT for events of kind `5`. Relays MAY delete events by this pubkey from their database, and SHOULD reject future events from the pubkey. Relays SHOULD preserve events of kind `5` from the pubkey, as well as continue to collect and distribute events of kind `5`. ### Example event ```json5 { "kind": 5, "pubkey": "6027adac157831dfe9d2f988c1b8b7a75d9296a7d42a0f9ed056a320925b0e13", "tags": [ ["p", "6027adac157831dfe9d2f988c1b8b7a75d9296a7d42a0f9ed056a320925b0e13"], ], "content": "", // optional message, same as NIP-09 // ... } ```