NIP-88 ====== Nostr Cash (simple Nostr cash/token/cheque) ----------------------------------- `draft` `optional` `author:benarc` Nostr Cash is simple and flexible. User gives a mint some money and the mint issues the user electromic cash/cheque/token that can be used as money in nostr. Electronic cash is useful and relays should have the option to offer minting/custodial services. Other mints could exist as stand-alone clients, but relays are ideally placed to package in with their service offerings. Users can use relays offering mints they trust, or relays they don't trust but for smaller amounts. Relays offering mints must have a keypair and an additional nostr keypair for its mint. Nostr Cash uses derived keys, much like [NIP26]( Each "cash" is actually just a derived private key that can be burned or passed to another user. All communication between the relay and user happen over [NIP04]( The mints ledger is two tables `active` and `spent`: ``` active: key: , amount: , user: , timestamp: spent: key: , amount: , user: , timestamp: ``` User client cash wallet stores: ``` active: key: , amount: , relay: , relaykey: , timestamp: spent: key: , amount: , relay: , relaykey: , timestamp: ``` ## Workflows ### Mint details **For fetching info about the mint.** User DMs the relay: ```json { "mint": } ``` Relay DMs user (maybe after a check if the relays mint has restricted access): ```json { "title": , "description": , "liquiity": , "type": , "fee": , } ``` ### Minting **For creating new cash from a mint.** User DMs the relay: ```json { "amount": } ``` Relay responds with payment request, which user pays: ```json { "request": } ``` Once paid the mint generates derived keypair from the mints private key, storing in table `active`: ```json { "key": , "amount": , "user": } ``` Mint replies: ```json { "key": , "amount": } ``` User client stores: ```json { "key": , "amount": , "relay": , "relaykey": , "timestamp": } ``` ### Claiming **For cashing in cash with the mint.** User DMs relay: ```json { "key": , "amount": , "type": } ``` Relay DMs user: ```json { "type": } ``` User DMs relay: ```json { "request": , } ``` ### Sending **For sending cash to another nostr user.** User DMs relay: ```json { "key": , "amount": , "type": } ``` Mint `burns` the old record for the cash and creates a new record(s), depending on if sending user is owed change (the old record moves from `active` to `spent` table). The mint creates a new record in `active` and DMs the recipient user the private-key/cash. If change is due, another record is created in `active` and sent back to the sender user. Relay DMs user(s): ```json { "key": , "amount": } ``` User(s) client stores: ```json { "key": , "amount": , "relay": , "relaykey": , "timestamp": } ```