NIP-41 ====== Relational Database ------------------- `draft` `optional` This NIP offers a plug-and-play method to export/sync information from existing systems using relational databases into Nostr. Event kind `31200` represents a row in a database. Each value of the row is added as a tag whose name is the column's name. The `d` tag is used for the row's primary key, the `n` tag places the row into an unbound list and the optional `u` tag references a database name. Values can be public or encrypted to the user. ```js { "kind": 31200, "tags": [ ["d", ""] ["n", ""] ["u", ""] ["", ""] // other public columns ], "content": nip44Encrypt(JSON.stringify(( [ ["", ""] // other private columns ] )), // .. other fields } ``` Inserts and updates are supported via Nostr's regular signing operations and deletions via [NIP-09]( The pubkey MAY be own by the system and represent several users from that system.