NIP-101 ======= Fix for stolen secret key problem ---------------------------------- This NIP defines a solution that may be implemented by clients and relays for stolen keys problem. Lets say owner O owns two keys, uses A actively but wants to switch to B in case A is stolen. - Secret key A sets a 'successor' pub B by storing an event with a new kind in a relay. Kind may be 101. ```json { "id": "...", "pubkey": ".......AAAA........", "created_at": 1669695536, "kind": 101, "tags": [ ["successor", "...........BBBBBBBBB......."] ], "content": "", "sig": "" } ``` - In case secret key A is stolen, the owner of A uses secret B to start simply creating notes of any kind, or create one event with a new kind that says "B is now succeeding A". First option is easier, second is more elegant. ```json { "id": "...", "pubkey": ".......BBBB........", "created_at": 1769695536, "kind": 1, "tags": [], "content": "Hey I am the owner of AAA and my secret key was stolen. This is my new account", "sig": "" } ``` OR ```json { "id": "...", "pubkey": ".......BBBB........", "created_at": 1769695536, "kind": 102, "tags": ["p",".........AAAAAAAAAA..............."], "content": "Hey I am the owner of AAA and my secret key was stolen. This is my new account!", "sig": "" } ``` - Clients see B is active and show a warning that A is now stolen and B is the new one. Clients update the follows. - Relays MUST block 101 events that are older than X days for this to work properly. X may be 7. Clients MUST fetch ONLY the first 101 from a relay that supports this. What will happen if only a few relays implement this NIP? --------------------------------------------------------- The attacker will use secret A to create a 101 with an older created_at. Clients will think the successor of A is actually was C.. The clients will see both B and C coming from relays. At this moment the client may choose to 'honor' the relays that implemented this NIP and choose B as the successor instead of C.