NIP-92 ====== Media Attachments ----------------- Media attachments (images, videos, and other files) may be added to events by including a URL in the event content, along with a matching `imeta` tag. `imeta` ("inline metadata") tags add information about media URLs in the event's content. Each `imeta` tag SHOULD match a URL in the event content. Clients may replace imeta URLs with rich previews. The `imeta` tag is variadic, and each entry is a space-delimited key/value pair. Each `imeta` tag MUST have a `url`, and at least one other field. `imeta` may include any field specified by [NIP 94](./ There SHOULD be only one `imeta` tag per URL. ## Example ```json { "content": "More image metadata tests don’t mind me", "kind": 1, "tags": [ [ "imeta", "url", "m image/jpeg", "blurhash eVF$^OI:${M{o#*0-nNFxakD-?xVM}WEWB%iNKxvR-oetmo#R-aen$", "dim 3024x4032", "alt A scenic photo overlooking the coast of Costa Rica", "x ", "fallback", "fallback" ] ] } ``` ## Recommended client behavior When uploading files during a new post, clients MAY include this metadata after the file is uploaded and included in the post. When pasting URLs during post composition, the client MAY download the file and add this metadata before the post is sent.