NIP-47 ====== Nostr Wallet Connect -------------------- `draft` `optional` `author:kiwiidb` `author:bumi` `author:semisol` `author:vitorpamplona` ## Rationale Paying zaps should be possible without the user needing to open a different app to only pay a Lightning invoice. This NIP describes a way for users to control a remote Lightning node or a custodial Lightning wallet. When self-hosting, this setup does not require the user to run their own server, thereby bypassing certain hurdles that are commonly encountered when trying to connect to a Lightning node remotely. ## Terms * **client**: Nostr app on any platform that wants to pay Lightning invoices * **wallet service**: Nostr app that typically runs on an always-on computer (eg. in the cloud or on a Raspberry Pi). ## Events There are two event kinds: - `NIP-47 request`: 23194 - `NIP-47 response`: 23195 Both the request and response events SHOULD only contain one `p` tag, containing the public key of the **wallet service** if this is a request, and the public key of the **client** if this is a response. The content is encrypted with [NIP04](, and is a JSON object. The content depends on the kind. Request: ```jsonc { "cmd": "pay_invoice", // command, string "data": { // data, object "invoice": "lnbc50n1..." // command-related data } } ``` Response: ```jsonc { "status": "ok", // status, "ok" | "error" "event": "0123456789abcdef...", // event the command is in response to, string "data": { // response data "preimage": "0123456789abcdef..." // command-related data } } ``` The data field SHOULD contain a `message` field with a human readable error message if the status is `error`. ## Nostr Wallet Connect URI **client** discovers **wallet service** by scanning a QR code, handling a deeplink or pasting in a URI. The **wallet service** generates this connection URI with protocol `nostr+walletconnect:` and base path it's hex-encoded `pubkey` with the following query string parameters: - `relay` Required. URL of the relay where the **wallet service** is connected and will be listening for events. May be more than one. - `secret` Required. 32-byte randomly generated hex encoded string. The **client** should use this to sign events when communicating with the **wallet service**. - Authorization does not require passing keys back and forth. - The user can have different keys for different applications. Keys can be revoked and created at will and have arbitrary constraints (eg. budgets). - The key is harder to leak since it is not shown to the user and backed up. - It improves privacy because the user's main key would not be linked to their payments. The **client** should then store this connection and use it when the user wants to perform actions like paying an invoice. Optionally it can display metadata about the connected **wallet service** from it's profile (name, image, url). ### Example connection string ```sh nostrwalletconnect:b889ff5b1513b641e2a139f661a661364979c5beee91842f8f0ef42ab558e9d4? ``` ## Commands ### `pay_invoice` Description: Requests payment of an invoice. Request: ```jsonc { "invoice": "lnbc50n1..." // BOLT11 invoice, string } ``` Response: ```jsonc { "preimage": "0123456789abcdef..." // preimage after payment, string } ``` ### `balance` Description: Requests the balance of the wallet. Request: an empty JSON object. Response: ```jsonc { "balance": 100000 // balance in msat, int } ``` ## Example pay invoice flow 0. The user scans the QR code generated by the **wallet service** with their **client** application, they follow a `nostrwalletconnect:` deeplink or configure the connection details manually. 1. **client** sends an event to with **wallet service** service with kind `23194`. The content is a `pay_invoice` request. The private key is the secret from the connection string above. 2. **nostr-wallet-connect-service** verifies that the author's key is authorized to perform the payment, decrypts the payload and sends the payment. 3. **nostr-wallet-connect-service** responds to the event by sending an event with kind `23195` and content being a response either containing an error message or a preimage. ## Using a dedicated relay This NIP does not specify any requirements on the type of relays used. However, if the user is using a custodial service it might make sense to use a relay that is hosted by the custodial service. The relay may then enforce authentication to prevent metadata leaks. Not depending on a 3rd party relay would also improve reliability in this case.