We want to place the nostr-rs-relay binary and the config.toml file where they belong. While still in the root level of the nostr-rs-relay folder you cloned in last step, run the following commands:
We need to create a new Systemd service file. These files are placed in the `/etc/systemd/system/` folder where you will find many other services running.
1.`sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/nostr-rs-relay.service`
2. Paste in the contents of [this service file](../contrib/nostr-rs-relay.service). Remember to replace the `User` value with your own username.
3. Save the file and exit your text editor
### Run the service
To get the service running, we need to reload the systemd daemon and enable the service.
1.`sudo systemctl daemon-reload`
2.`sudo systemctl start nostr-rs-relay.service`
3.`sudo systemctl status nostr-rs-relay.service`
### Tips
#### Logs
The application will write logs to the journal. To read it, execute `sudo journalctl -f -u nostr-rs-relay`