mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 18:10:28 -04:00
feat: bulk loading script for importing events
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
use std::io;
use std::path::Path;
use nostr_rs_relay::utils::is_lower_hex;
use tracing::*;
use nostr_rs_relay::config;
use nostr_rs_relay::event::{Event,single_char_tagname};
use nostr_rs_relay::error::{Error, Result};
use nostr_rs_relay::db::build_pool;
use nostr_rs_relay::schema::{curr_db_version, DB_VERSION};
use rusqlite::{OpenFlags, Transaction};
use nostr_rs_relay::db::PooledConnection;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
use rusqlite::params;
/// Bulk load JSONL data from STDIN to the database specified in config.toml (or ./nostr.db as a default).
/// The database must already exist, this will not create a new one.
/// Tested against schema v13.
pub fn main() -> Result<()> {
let _trace_sub = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init();
println!("Nostr-rs-relay Bulk Loader");
// check for a database file, or create one.
let settings = config::Settings::new();
if !Path::new(&settings.database.data_directory).is_dir() {
info!("Database directory does not exist");
return Err(Error::DatabaseDirError);
// Get a database pool
let pool = build_pool("bulk-loader", &settings, OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE | OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, 1,4,false);
// check for database schema version
let mut conn: PooledConnection = pool.get()?;
let version = curr_db_version(&mut conn)?;
info!("current version is: {:?}", version);
// ensure the schema version is current.
if version != DB_VERSION {
info!("version is not current, exiting");
panic!("cannot write to schema other than v{}", DB_VERSION);
// this channel will contain parsed events ready to be inserted
let (event_tx, event_rx) = mpsc::sync_channel(100_000);
// Thread for reading events
let _stdin_reader_handler = thread::spawn(move || {
let stdin = io::stdin();
for readline in stdin.lines() {
if let Ok(line) = readline {
// try to parse a nostr event
let eres: Result<Event, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str(&line);
if let Ok(mut e) = eres {
if let Ok(()) = e.validate() {
//debug!("Event: {:?}", e);
} else {
info!("could not validate event");
} else {
info!("error reading event: {:?}", eres);
} else {
// error reading
info!("error reading: {:?}", readline);
info!("finished parsing events");
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
return ok;
let mut conn: PooledConnection = pool.get()?;
let mut events_read = 0;
let event_batch_size =50_000;
let mut new_events = 0;
let mut has_more_events = true;
while has_more_events {
// begin a transaction
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
// read in batch_size events and commit
for _ in 0..event_batch_size {
match event_rx.recv() {
Ok(Some(e)) => {
events_read += 1;
// ignore ephemeral events
if !(e.kind >= 20000 && e.kind < 30000) {
match write_event(&tx, e) {
Ok(c) => {
new_events += c;
Err(e) => {
info!("error inserting event: {:?}", e);
Ok(None) => {
// signal that the sender will never produce more
// events
Err(_) => {
info!("sender is closed");
// sender is done
info!("committed {} events...", new_events);
conn.execute_batch("pragma wal_checkpoint(truncate)")?;
info!("processed {} events", events_read);
info!("stored {} new events", new_events);
// get a connection for writing events
// read standard in.
info!("finished reading input");
/// Write an event and update the tag table.
/// Assumes the event has its index built.
fn write_event(tx: &Transaction, e: Event) -> Result<usize> {
let id_blob = hex::decode(&e.id).ok();
let pubkey_blob: Option<Vec<u8>> = hex::decode(&e.pubkey).ok();
let delegator_blob: Option<Vec<u8>> = e.delegated_by.as_ref().and_then(|d| hex::decode(d).ok());
let event_str = serde_json::to_string(&e).ok();
// ignore if the event hash is a duplicate.
let ins_count = tx.execute(
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO event (event_hash, created_at, kind, author, delegated_by, content, first_seen, hidden) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, strftime('%s','now'), FALSE);",
params![id_blob, e.created_at, e.kind, pubkey_blob, delegator_blob, event_str]
if ins_count == 0 {
return Ok(0);
// we want to capture the event_id that had the tag, the tag name, and the tag hex value.
let event_id = tx.last_insert_rowid();
// look at each event, and each tag, creating new tag entries if appropriate.
for t in e.tags.iter().filter(|x| x.len() > 1) {
let tagname = t.get(0).unwrap();
let tagnamechar_opt = single_char_tagname(tagname);
if tagnamechar_opt.is_none() {
// safe because len was > 1
let tagval = t.get(1).unwrap();
// insert as BLOB if we can restore it losslessly.
// this means it needs to be even length and lowercase.
if (tagval.len() % 2 == 0) && is_lower_hex(tagval) {
"INSERT INTO tag (event_id, name, value_hex) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3);",
params![event_id, tagname, hex::decode(tagval).ok()],
} else {
// otherwise, insert as text
"INSERT INTO tag (event_id, name, value) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3);",
params![event_id, tagname, &tagval],
if e.kind == 0 || e.kind == 3 || e.kind == 41 || (e.kind >= 10000 && e.kind < 20000) {
//let query = "SELECT id FROM event WHERE kind=? AND author=? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1;";
//let count: usize = tx.query_row(query, params![e.kind, pubkey_blob], |row| row.get(0))?;
//info!("found {} rows that /would/ be preserved", count);
match tx.execute(
"DELETE FROM event WHERE kind=? and author=? and id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM event WHERE kind=? AND author=? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1);",
params![e.kind, pubkey_blob, e.kind, pubkey_blob],
) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(x) => {info!("error deleting replaceable event: {:?}",x);}
Reference in New Issue
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