use crate::repo::postgres::PostgresPool; use async_trait::async_trait; use sqlx::{Executor, Postgres, Transaction}; #[async_trait] pub trait Migration { fn serial_number(&self) -> i64; async fn run(&self, tx: &mut Transaction<Postgres>); } struct SimpleSqlMigration { pub serial_number: i64, pub sql: Vec<&'static str>, } #[async_trait] impl Migration for SimpleSqlMigration { fn serial_number(&self) -> i64 { self.serial_number } async fn run(&self, tx: &mut Transaction<Postgres>) { for sql in self.sql.iter() { tx.execute(*sql).await.unwrap(); } } } /// Execute all migrations on the database. pub async fn run_migrations(db: &PostgresPool) -> crate::error::Result<usize> { prepare_migrations_table(db).await; run_migration(m001::migration(), db).await; let m002_result = run_migration(m002::migration(), db).await; if m002_result == MigrationResult::Upgraded { m002::rebuild_tags(db).await?; } run_migration(m003::migration(), db).await; run_migration(m004::migration(), db).await; run_migration(m005::migration(), db).await; Ok(current_version(db).await as usize) } async fn current_version(db: &PostgresPool) -> i64 { sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT max(serial_number) FROM migrations;") .fetch_one(db) .await .unwrap() } async fn prepare_migrations_table(db: &PostgresPool) { sqlx::query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations (serial_number bigint)") .execute(db) .await .unwrap(); } // Running a migration was either unnecessary, or completed #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)] enum MigrationResult { Upgraded, NotNeeded, } async fn run_migration(migration: impl Migration, db: &PostgresPool) -> MigrationResult { let row: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM migrations WHERE serial_number = $1") .bind(migration.serial_number()) .fetch_one(db) .await .unwrap(); if row > 0 { return MigrationResult::NotNeeded; } let mut transaction = db.begin().await.unwrap(); transaction).await; sqlx::query("INSERT INTO migrations VALUES ($1)") .bind(migration.serial_number()) .execute(&mut transaction) .await .unwrap(); transaction.commit().await.unwrap(); MigrationResult::Upgraded } mod m001 { use crate::repo::postgres_migration::{Migration, SimpleSqlMigration}; pub const VERSION: i64 = 1; pub fn migration() -> impl Migration { SimpleSqlMigration { serial_number: VERSION, sql: vec![ r#" -- Events table CREATE TABLE "event" ( id bytea NOT NULL, pub_key bytea NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, kind integer NOT NULL, "content" bytea NOT NULL, hidden bit(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0::bit(1), delegated_by bytea NULL, first_seen timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), CONSTRAINT event_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX event_created_at_idx ON "event" (created_at,kind); CREATE INDEX event_pub_key_idx ON "event" (pub_key); CREATE INDEX event_delegated_by_idx ON "event" (delegated_by); -- Tags table CREATE TABLE "tag" ( id int8 NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, event_id bytea NOT NULL, "name" varchar NOT NULL, value bytea NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT tag_fk FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES "event"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX tag_event_id_idx ON tag USING btree (event_id, name); CREATE INDEX tag_value_idx ON tag USING btree (value); -- NIP-05 Verification table CREATE TABLE "user_verification" ( id int8 NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, event_id bytea NOT NULL, "name" varchar NOT NULL, verified_at timestamptz NULL, failed_at timestamptz NULL, fail_count int4 NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT user_verification_pk PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT user_verification_fk FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES "event"(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE INDEX user_verification_event_id_idx ON user_verification USING btree (event_id); CREATE INDEX user_verification_name_idx ON user_verification USING btree (name); "#, ], } } } mod m002 { use async_std::stream::StreamExt; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use sqlx::Row; use std::time::Instant; use tracing::info; use crate::event::{single_char_tagname, Event}; use crate::repo::postgres::PostgresPool; use crate::repo::postgres_migration::{Migration, SimpleSqlMigration}; use crate::utils::is_lower_hex; pub const VERSION: i64 = 2; pub fn migration() -> impl Migration { SimpleSqlMigration { serial_number: VERSION, sql: vec![ r#" -- Add tag value column ALTER TABLE tag ADD COLUMN value_hex bytea; -- Remove not-null constraint ALTER TABLE tag ALTER COLUMN value DROP NOT NULL; -- Add value index CREATE INDEX tag_value_hex_idx ON tag USING btree (value_hex); "#, ], } } pub async fn rebuild_tags(db: &PostgresPool) -> crate::error::Result<()> { // Check how many events we have to process let start = Instant::now(); let mut tx = db.begin().await.unwrap(); let mut update_tx = db.begin().await.unwrap(); // Clear out table sqlx::query("DELETE FROM tag;") .execute(&mut update_tx) .await?; { let event_count: i64 = sqlx::query_scalar("SELECT COUNT(*) from event;") .fetch_one(&mut tx) .await .unwrap(); let bar = ProgressBar::new(event_count.try_into().unwrap()) .with_message("rebuilding tags table"); bar.set_style( ProgressStyle::with_template( "[{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.white/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:7} [{percent}%] {msg}", ) .unwrap(), ); let mut events = sqlx::query("SELECT id, content FROM event ORDER BY id;").fetch(&mut tx); while let Some(row) = {; // get the row id and content let row = row.unwrap(); let event_id: Vec<u8> = row.get(0); let event_bytes: Vec<u8> = row.get(1); let event: Event = serde_json::from_str(&String::from_utf8(event_bytes).unwrap())?; for t in event.tags.iter().filter(|x| x.len() > 1) { let tagname = t.get(0).unwrap(); let tagnamechar_opt = single_char_tagname(tagname); if tagnamechar_opt.is_none() { continue; } // safe because len was > 1 let tagval = t.get(1).unwrap(); // insert as BLOB if we can restore it losslessly. // this means it needs to be even length and lowercase. if (tagval.len() % 2 == 0) && is_lower_hex(tagval) { let q = "INSERT INTO tag (event_id, \"name\", value, value_hex) VALUES ($1, $2, NULL, $3) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;"; sqlx::query(q) .bind(&event_id) .bind(tagname) .bind(hex::decode(tagval).ok()) .execute(&mut update_tx) .await?; } else { let q = "INSERT INTO tag (event_id, \"name\", value, value_hex) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, NULL) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;"; sqlx::query(q) .bind(&event_id) .bind(tagname) .bind(tagval.as_bytes()) .execute(&mut update_tx) .await?; } } } update_tx.commit().await?; bar.finish(); } info!("rebuilt tags in {:?}", start.elapsed()); Ok(()) } } mod m003 { use crate::repo::postgres_migration::{Migration, SimpleSqlMigration}; pub const VERSION: i64 = 3; pub fn migration() -> impl Migration { SimpleSqlMigration { serial_number: VERSION, sql: vec![ r#" -- Add unique constraint on tag ALTER TABLE tag ADD CONSTRAINT unique_constraint_name UNIQUE (event_id, "name", value, value_hex); "#, ], } } } mod m004 { use crate::repo::postgres_migration::{Migration, SimpleSqlMigration}; pub const VERSION: i64 = 4; pub fn migration() -> impl Migration { SimpleSqlMigration { serial_number: VERSION, sql: vec![ r#" -- Add expiration time for events ALTER TABLE event ADD COLUMN expires_at timestamp(0) with time zone; -- Index expiration time CREATE INDEX event_expires_at_idx ON "event" (expires_at); "#, ], } } } mod m005 { use crate::repo::postgres_migration::{Migration, SimpleSqlMigration}; pub const VERSION: i64 = 5; pub fn migration() -> impl Migration { SimpleSqlMigration { serial_number: VERSION, sql: vec![ r#" -- Create account table CREATE TABLE "account" ( pubkey varchar NOT NULL, is_admitted BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, balance BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tos_accepted_at TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT account_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pubkey) ); CREATE TYPE status AS ENUM ('Paid', 'Unpaid', 'Expired'); CREATE TABLE "invoice" ( payment_hash varchar NOT NULL, pubkey varchar NOT NULL, invoice varchar NOT NULL, amount BIGINT NOT NULL, status status NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Unpaid', description varchar, created_at timestamp, confirmed_at timestamp, CONSTRAINT invoice_payment_hash PRIMARY KEY (payment_hash), CONSTRAINT invoice_pubkey_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pubkey) REFERENCES account (pubkey) ON DELETE CASCADE ); "#, ], } } }