//! User verification using NIP-05 names //! //! NIP-05 defines a mechanism for authors to associate an internet //! address with their public key, in metadata events. This module //! consumes a stream of metadata events, and keeps a database table //! updated with the current NIP-05 verification status. use crate::config::VerifiedUsers; use crate::error::{Error, Result}; use crate::event::Event; use crate::repo::NostrRepo; use hyper::body::HttpBody; use hyper::client::connect::HttpConnector; use hyper::Client; use hyper_rustls::HttpsConnector; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use std::time::Instant; use std::time::SystemTime; use tokio::time::Interval; use tracing::{debug, info, warn}; /// NIP-05 verifier state pub struct Verifier { /// Repository for saving/retrieving events and records repo: Arc<dyn NostrRepo>, /// Metadata events for us to inspect metadata_rx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver<Event>, /// Newly validated events get written and then broadcast on this channel to subscribers event_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<Event>, /// Settings settings: crate::config::Settings, /// HTTP client client: hyper::Client<HttpsConnector<HttpConnector>, hyper::Body>, /// After all accounts are updated, wait this long before checking again. wait_after_finish: Duration, /// Minimum amount of time between HTTP queries http_wait_duration: Duration, /// Interval for updating verification records reverify_interval: Interval, } /// A NIP-05 identifier is a local part and domain. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)] pub struct Nip05Name { pub local: String, pub domain: String, } impl Nip05Name { /// Does this name represent the entire domain? #[must_use] pub fn is_domain_only(&self) -> bool { self.local == "_" } /// Determine the URL to query for verification fn to_url(&self) -> Option<http::Uri> { format!( "https://{}/.well-known/nostr.json?name={}", self.domain, self.local ) .parse::<http::Uri>() .ok() } } // Parsing Nip05Names from strings impl std::convert::TryFrom<&str> for Nip05Name { type Error = Error; fn try_from(inet: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { // break full name at the @ boundary. let components: Vec<&str> = inet.split('@').collect(); if components.len() == 2 { // check if local name is valid let local = components[0]; let domain = components[1]; if local .chars() .all(|x| x.is_alphanumeric() || x == '_' || x == '-' || x == '.') { if domain .chars() .all(|x| x.is_alphanumeric() || x == '-' || x == '.') { Ok(Nip05Name { local: local.to_owned(), domain: domain.to_owned(), }) } else { Err(Error::CustomError( "invalid character in domain part".to_owned(), )) } } else { Err(Error::CustomError( "invalid character in local part".to_owned(), )) } } else { Err(Error::CustomError("too many/few components".to_owned())) } } } impl std::fmt::Display for Nip05Name { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}@{}", self.local, self.domain) } } /// Check if the specified username and address are present and match in this response body fn body_contains_user(username: &str, address: &str, bytes: &hyper::body::Bytes) -> Result<bool> { // convert the body into json let body: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_slice(bytes)?; // ensure we have a names object. let names_map = body .as_object() .and_then(|x| x.get("names")) .and_then(serde_json::Value::as_object) .ok_or_else(|| Error::CustomError("not a map".to_owned()))?; // get the pubkey for the requested user let check_name = names_map.get(username).and_then(serde_json::Value::as_str); // ensure the address is a match Ok(check_name.map_or(false, |x| x == address)) } impl Verifier { pub fn new( repo: Arc<dyn NostrRepo>, metadata_rx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver<Event>, event_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<Event>, settings: crate::config::Settings, ) -> Result<Self> { info!("creating NIP-05 verifier"); // setup hyper client let https = hyper_rustls::HttpsConnectorBuilder::new() .with_native_roots() .https_or_http() .enable_http1() .build(); let client = Client::builder().build::<_, hyper::Body>(https); // After all accounts have been re-verified, don't check again // for this long. let wait_after_finish = Duration::from_secs(60 * 10); // when we have an active queue of accounts to validate, we // will wait this duration between HTTP requests. let http_wait_duration = Duration::from_secs(1); // setup initial interval for re-verification. If we find // there is no work to be done, it will be reset to a longer // duration. let reverify_interval = tokio::time::interval(http_wait_duration); Ok(Verifier { repo, metadata_rx, event_tx, settings, client, wait_after_finish, http_wait_duration, reverify_interval, }) } /// Perform web verification against a NIP-05 name and address. pub async fn get_web_verification( &mut self, nip: &Nip05Name, pubkey: &str, ) -> UserWebVerificationStatus { self.get_web_verification_res(nip, pubkey) .await .unwrap_or(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown) } /// Perform web verification against an `Event` (must be metadata). pub async fn get_web_verification_from_event( &mut self, e: &Event, ) -> UserWebVerificationStatus { let nip_parse = e.get_nip05_addr(); if let Some(nip) = nip_parse { self.get_web_verification_res(&nip, &e.pubkey) .await .unwrap_or(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown) } else { UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown } } /// Perform web verification, with a `Result` return. async fn get_web_verification_res( &mut self, nip: &Nip05Name, pubkey: &str, ) -> Result<UserWebVerificationStatus> { // determine if this domain should be checked if !is_domain_allowed( &nip.domain, &self.settings.verified_users.domain_whitelist, &self.settings.verified_users.domain_blacklist, ) { return Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::DomainNotAllowed); } let url = nip .to_url() .ok_or_else(|| Error::CustomError("invalid NIP-05 URL".to_owned()))?; let req = hyper::Request::builder() .method(hyper::Method::GET) .uri(url.clone()) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header( "User-Agent", format!( "nostr-rs-relay/{} NIP-05 Verifier", crate::info::CARGO_PKG_VERSION.unwrap() ), ) .body(hyper::Body::empty()) .expect("request builder"); let response_fut = self.client.request(req); if let Ok(response_res) = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), response_fut).await { // limit size of verification document to 1MB. const MAX_ALLOWED_RESPONSE_SIZE: u64 = 1024 * 1024; let response = response_res?; let status = response.status(); // Log non-2XX status codes if !status.is_success() { info!( "unexpected status code {} received for account {:?} at URL: {}", status, nip.to_string(), url ); return Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown); } // determine content length from response let response_content_length = match response.body().size_hint().upper() { Some(v) => v, None => { info!("missing content length header for account {:?} at URL: {}", nip.to_string(), url); return Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown); } }; if response_content_length > MAX_ALLOWED_RESPONSE_SIZE { info!( "content length {} exceeded limit of {} bytes for account {:?} at URL: {}", response_content_length, MAX_ALLOWED_RESPONSE_SIZE, nip.to_string(), url ); return Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown); } let (parts, body) = response.into_parts(); // TODO: consider redirects if parts.status == http::StatusCode::OK { // parse body, determine if the username / key / address is present let body_bytes = match hyper::body::to_bytes(body).await { Ok(bytes) => bytes, Err(e) => { info!( "failed to read response body for account {:?} at URL: {}: {:?}", nip.to_string(), url, e ); return Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown); } }; match body_contains_user(&nip.local, pubkey, &body_bytes) { Ok(true) => Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Verified), Ok(false) => Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unverified), Err(e) => { info!( "error parsing response body for account {:?}: {:?}", nip.to_string(), e ); Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown) } } } else { info!( "unexpected status code {} for account {:?}", parts.status, nip.to_string() ); Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown) } } else { info!("timeout verifying account {:?}", nip); Ok(UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown) } } /// Perform NIP-05 verifier tasks. pub async fn run(&mut self) { // use this to schedule periodic re-validation tasks // run a loop, restarting on failure loop { let res = self.run_internal().await; match res { Err(Error::ChannelClosed) => { // channel was closed, we are shutting down return; } Err(e) => { info!("error in verifier: {:?}", e); } _ => {} } } } /// Internal select loop for performing verification async fn run_internal(&mut self) -> Result<()> { tokio::select! { m = self.metadata_rx.recv() => { match m { Ok(e) => { if let Some(naddr) = e.get_nip05_addr() { info!("got metadata event for ({:?},{:?})", naddr.to_string() ,e.get_author_prefix()); // Process a new author, checking if they are verified: let check_verified = self.repo.get_latest_user_verification(&e.pubkey).await; // ensure the event we got is more recent than the one we have, otherwise we can ignore it. if let Ok(last_check) = check_verified { if e.created_at <= last_check.event_created { // this metadata is from the same author as an existing verification. // it is older than what we have, so we can ignore it. debug!("received older metadata event for author {:?}", e.get_author_prefix()); return Ok(()); } } // old, or no existing record for this user. In either case, we just create a new one. let start = Instant::now(); let v = self.get_web_verification_from_event(&e).await; info!( "checked name {:?}, result: {:?}, in: {:?}", naddr.to_string(), v, start.elapsed() ); // sleep to limit how frequently we make HTTP requests for new metadata events. This should limit us to 4 req/sec. tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(250)).await; // if this user was verified, we need to write the // record, persist the event, and broadcast. if let UserWebVerificationStatus::Verified = v { self.create_new_verified_user(&naddr.to_string(), &e).await?; } } }, Err(tokio::sync::broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(c)) => { warn!("incoming metadata events overwhelmed buffer, {} events dropped",c); } Err(tokio::sync::broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => { info!("metadata broadcast channel closed"); return Err(Error::ChannelClosed); } } }, _ = self.reverify_interval.tick() => { // check and see if there is an old account that needs // to be reverified self.do_reverify().await?; }, } Ok(()) } /// Reverify the oldest user verification record. async fn do_reverify(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let reverify_setting = self .settings .verified_users .verify_update_frequency_duration; let max_failures = self.settings.verified_users.max_consecutive_failures; // get from settings, but default to 6hrs between re-checking an account let reverify_dur = reverify_setting.unwrap_or_else(|| Duration::from_secs(60 * 60 * 6)); // find all verification records that have success or failure OLDER than the reverify_dur. let now = SystemTime::now(); let earliest = now - reverify_dur; let earliest_epoch = earliest .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .map(|x| x.as_secs()) .unwrap_or(0); let vr = self.repo.get_oldest_user_verification(earliest_epoch).await; match vr { Ok(ref v) => { let new_status = self.get_web_verification(&v.name, &v.address).await; match new_status { UserWebVerificationStatus::Verified => { // freshly verified account, update the // timestamp. self.repo.update_verification_timestamp(v.rowid).await?; info!("verification updated for {}", v.to_string()); } UserWebVerificationStatus::DomainNotAllowed | UserWebVerificationStatus::Unknown => { // server may be offline, or temporarily // blocked by the config file. Note the // failure so we can process something // else. // have we had enough failures to give up? if v.failure_count >= max_failures as u64 { info!( "giving up on verifying {:?} after {} failures", v.name, v.failure_count ); self.repo.delete_verification(v.rowid).await?; } else { // record normal failure, incrementing failure count info!("verification failed for {}", v.to_string()); self.repo.fail_verification(v.rowid).await?; } } UserWebVerificationStatus::Unverified => { // domain has removed the verification, drop // the record on our side. info!("verification rescinded for {}", v.to_string()); self.repo.delete_verification(v.rowid).await?; } } } Err( Error::SqlError(rusqlite::Error::QueryReturnedNoRows) | Error::SqlxError(sqlx::Error::RowNotFound), ) => { // No users need verification. Reset the interval to // the next verification attempt. let start = tokio::time::Instant::now() + self.wait_after_finish; self.reverify_interval = tokio::time::interval_at(start, self.http_wait_duration); } Err(ref e) => { warn!( "Error when checking for NIP-05 verification records: {:?}", e ); } } Ok(()) } /// Persist an event, create a verification record, and broadcast. // TODO: have more event-writing logic handled in the db module. // Right now, these events avoid the rate limit. That is // acceptable since as soon as the user is registered, this path // is no longer used. // TODO: refactor these into spawn_blocking // calls to get them off the async executors. async fn create_new_verified_user(&mut self, name: &str, event: &Event) -> Result<()> { let start = Instant::now(); // we should only do this if we are enabled. if we are // disabled/passive, the event has already been persisted. let should_write_event = self.settings.verified_users.is_enabled(); if should_write_event { match self.repo.write_event(event).await { Ok(updated) => { if updated != 0 { info!( "persisted event (new verified pubkey): {:?} in {:?}", event.get_event_id_prefix(), start.elapsed() ); self.event_tx.send(event.clone()).ok(); } } Err(err) => { warn!("event insert failed: {:?}", err); if let Error::SqlError(r) = err { warn!("because: : {:?}", r); } } } } // write the verification record self.repo .create_verification_record(&event.id, name) .await?; Ok(()) } } /// Result of checking user's verification status against DNS/HTTP. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)] pub enum UserWebVerificationStatus { Verified, // user is verified, as of now. DomainNotAllowed, // domain blacklist or whitelist denied us from attempting a verification Unknown, // user's status could not be determined (timeout, server error) Unverified, // user's status is not verified (successful check, name / addr do not match) } /// A NIP-05 verification record. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)] // Basic information for a verification event. Gives us all we need to assert a NIP-05 address is good. pub struct VerificationRecord { pub rowid: u64, // database row for this verification event pub name: Nip05Name, // address being verified pub address: String, // pubkey pub event: String, // event ID hash providing the verification pub event_created: u64, // when the metadata event was published pub last_success: Option<u64>, // the most recent time a verification was provided. None if verification under this name has never succeeded. pub last_failure: Option<u64>, // the most recent time verification was attempted, but could not be completed. pub failure_count: u64, // how many consecutive failures have been observed. } /// Check with settings to determine if a given domain is allowed to /// publish. #[must_use] pub fn is_domain_allowed( domain: &str, whitelist: &Option<Vec<String>>, blacklist: &Option<Vec<String>>, ) -> bool { // if there is a whitelist, domain must be present in it. if let Some(wl) = whitelist { // workaround for Vec contains not accepting &str return wl.iter().any(|x| x == domain); } // otherwise, check that user is not in the blacklist if let Some(bl) = blacklist { return !bl.iter().any(|x| x == domain); } true } impl VerificationRecord { /// Check if the record is recent enough to be considered valid, /// and the domain is allowed. #[must_use] pub fn is_valid(&self, verified_users_settings: &VerifiedUsers) -> bool { //let settings = SETTINGS.read().unwrap(); // how long a verification record is good for let nip05_expiration = &verified_users_settings.verify_expiration_duration; if let Some(e) = nip05_expiration { if !self.is_current(e) { return false; } } // check domains is_domain_allowed( &self.name.domain, &verified_users_settings.domain_whitelist, &verified_users_settings.domain_blacklist, ) } /// Check if this record has been validated since the given /// duration. fn is_current(&self, d: &Duration) -> bool { match self.last_success { Some(s) => { // current time - duration let now = SystemTime::now(); let cutoff = now - *d; let cutoff_epoch = cutoff .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .map(|x| x.as_secs()) .unwrap_or(0); s > cutoff_epoch } None => false, } } } impl std::fmt::Display for VerificationRecord { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { write!( f, "({:?},{:?})", self.name.to_string(), self.address.chars().take(8).collect::<String>() ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn local_from_inet() { let addr = "bob@example.com"; let parsed = Nip05Name::try_from(addr); assert!(parsed.is_ok()); let v = parsed.unwrap(); assert_eq!(v.local, "bob"); assert_eq!(v.domain, "example.com"); } #[test] fn not_enough_sep() { let addr = "bob_example.com"; let parsed = Nip05Name::try_from(addr); assert!(parsed.is_err()); } #[test] fn too_many_sep() { let addr = "foo@bob@example.com"; let parsed = Nip05Name::try_from(addr); assert!(parsed.is_err()); } #[test] fn invalid_local_name() { // non-permitted ascii chars assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo!@example.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo @example.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from(" foo@example.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("f oo@example.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo<@example.com").is_err()); // unicode dash assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo‐bar@example.com").is_err()); // emoji assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo😭bar@example.com").is_err()); } #[test] fn invalid_domain_name() { // non-permitted ascii chars assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo@examp!e.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo@ example.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo@exa mple.com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo@example .com").is_err()); assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foo@exa<mple.com").is_err()); // unicode dash assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foobar@exa‐mple.com").is_err()); // emoji assert!(Nip05Name::try_from("foobar@ex😭ample.com").is_err()); } #[test] fn to_url() { let nip = Nip05Name::try_from("foobar@example.com").unwrap(); assert_eq!( nip.to_url(), Some( "https://example.com/.well-known/nostr.json?name=foobar" .parse() .unwrap() ) ); } }