# [nostr-rs-relay](https://git.sr.ht/~gheartsfield/nostr-rs-relay) This is a [nostr](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nostr) relay, written in Rust. It currently supports the entire relay protocol, and has a SQLite persistence layer. The project master repository is available on [sourcehut](https://sr.ht/~gheartsfield/nostr-rs-relay/), and is mirrored on [GitHub](https://github.com/scsibug/nostr-rs-relay). ## Quick Start The provided `Dockerfile` will compile and build the server application. Use a bind mount to store the SQLite database outside of the container image, and map the container's 8080 port to a host port (8090 in the example below). ```console $ docker build -t nostr-rs-relay . $ docker run -p 8090:8080 --mount src=$(pwd)/nostr_data,target=/usr/src/app/db,type=bind nostr-rs-relay ``` Use a `nostr` client such as [`noscl`](https://github.com/fiatjaf/noscl) to publish and query events. ```console $ noscl publish "hello world" Sent to 'ws://localhost:8090'. Seen it on 'ws://localhost:8090'. $ noscl home Text Note [81cf...2652] from 296a...9b92 5 seconds ago hello world ``` License --- This project is MIT licensed.