2023-07-03 09:51:07 -05:00

266 lines
9.3 KiB

use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::event::Event;
use crate::payment::lnbits::LNBitsPaymentProcessor;
use crate::repo::NostrRepo;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::{info, warn};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use nostr::key::{FromPkStr, FromSkStr};
use nostr::{key::Keys, Event as NostrEvent, EventBuilder};
pub mod lnbits;
/// Payment handler
pub struct Payment {
/// Repository for saving/retrieving events and events
repo: Arc<dyn NostrRepo>,
/// Newly validated events get written and then broadcast on this channel to subscribers
event_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<Event>,
/// Payment message sender
payment_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<PaymentMessage>,
/// Payment message receiver
payment_rx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver<PaymentMessage>,
/// Settings
settings: crate::config::Settings,
// Nostr Keys
nostr_keys: Keys,
/// Payment Processor
processor: Arc<dyn PaymentProcessor>,
pub trait PaymentProcessor: Send + Sync {
/// Get invoice from processor
async fn get_invoice(&self, keys: &Keys, amount: u64) -> Result<InvoiceInfo, Error>;
/// Check payment status of an invoice
async fn check_invoice(&self, payment_hash: &str) -> Result<InvoiceStatus, Error>;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Processor {
/// Possible states of an invoice
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, sqlx::Type)]
#[sqlx(type_name = "status")]
pub enum InvoiceStatus {
impl ToString for InvoiceStatus {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
match self {
InvoiceStatus::Paid => "Paid".to_string(),
InvoiceStatus::Unpaid => "Unpaid".to_string(),
InvoiceStatus::Expired => "Expired".to_string(),
/// Invoice information
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct InvoiceInfo {
pub pubkey: String,
pub payment_hash: String,
pub bolt11: String,
pub amount: u64,
pub status: InvoiceStatus,
pub memo: String,
pub confirmed_at: Option<u64>,
/// Message variants for the payment channel
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PaymentMessage {
/// New account
/// Check account,
/// Account Admitted
/// Invoice generated
Invoice(String, InvoiceInfo),
/// Invoice call back
/// Payment hash is passed
// This may have to be changed to better support other processors
impl Payment {
pub fn new(
repo: Arc<dyn NostrRepo>,
payment_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<PaymentMessage>,
payment_rx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Receiver<PaymentMessage>,
event_tx: tokio::sync::broadcast::Sender<Event>,
settings: crate::config::Settings,
) -> Result<Self> {
info!("Create payment handler");
// Create nostr key from sk string
let nostr_keys = Keys::from_sk_str(&settings.pay_to_relay.secret_key)?;
// Create processor kind defined in settings
let processor = match &settings.pay_to_relay.processor {
Processor::LNBits => Arc::new(LNBitsPaymentProcessor::new(&settings)),
Ok(Payment {
/// Perform Payment tasks
pub async fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
let res = self.run_internal().await;
if let Err(e) = res {
info!("error in payment: {:?}", e);
/// Internal select loop for preforming payment operations
async fn run_internal(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
tokio::select! {
m = self.payment_rx.recv() => {
match m {
Ok(PaymentMessage::NewAccount(pubkey)) => {
info!("payment event for {:?}", pubkey);
// REVIEW: This will need to change for cost per event
let amount = self.settings.pay_to_relay.admission_cost;
let invoice_info = self.get_invoice_info(&pubkey, amount).await?;
// TODO: should handle this error
self.payment_tx.send(PaymentMessage::Invoice(pubkey, invoice_info)).ok();
// Gets the most recent unpaid invoice from database
// Checks LNbits to verify if paid/unpaid
Ok(PaymentMessage::CheckAccount(pubkey)) => {
let keys = Keys::from_pk_str(&pubkey)?;
if let Ok(Some(invoice_info)) = self.repo.get_unpaid_invoice(&keys).await {
match self.check_invoice_status(&invoice_info.payment_hash).await? {
InvoiceStatus::Paid => {
self.repo.admit_account(&keys, self.settings.pay_to_relay.admission_cost).await?;
_ => {
self.payment_tx.send(PaymentMessage::Invoice(pubkey, invoice_info)).ok();
} else {
let amount = self.settings.pay_to_relay.admission_cost;
let invoice_info = self.get_invoice_info(&pubkey, amount).await?;
self.payment_tx.send(PaymentMessage::Invoice(pubkey, invoice_info)).ok();
Ok(PaymentMessage::InvoicePaid(payment_hash)) => {
if self.check_invoice_status(&payment_hash).await?.eq(&InvoiceStatus::Paid) {
let pubkey = self.repo
.update_invoice(&payment_hash, InvoiceStatus::Paid)
let key = Keys::from_pk_str(&pubkey)?;
self.repo.admit_account(&key, self.settings.pay_to_relay.admission_cost).await?;
Ok(_) => {
// For this variant nothing need to be done here
// it is used by `server`
Err(err) => warn!("Payment RX: {err}")
/// Sends Nostr DM to pubkey that requested invoice
/// Two events the terms followed by the bolt11 invoice
pub async fn send_admission_message(
pubkey: &str,
invoice_info: &InvoiceInfo,
) -> Result<()> {
// Create Nostr key from pk
let key = Keys::from_pk_str(pubkey)?;
let pubkey = key.public_key();
// Event DM with terms of service
let message_event: NostrEvent = EventBuilder::new_encrypted_direct_msg(
// Event DM with invoice
let invoice_event: NostrEvent =
EventBuilder::new_encrypted_direct_msg(&self.nostr_keys, pubkey, &invoice_info.bolt11)?
// Persist DM events to DB
// Broadcast DM events
/// Get Invoice Info
/// If the has an active invoice that will be return
/// Otherwise a new invoice will be generated by the payment processor
pub async fn get_invoice_info(&self, pubkey: &str, amount: u64) -> Result<InvoiceInfo> {
// If user is already in DB this will be false
// This avoids recreating admission invoices
// I think it will continue to send DMs with the invoice
// If client continues to try and write to the relay (will be same invoice)
let key = Keys::from_pk_str(pubkey)?;
if !self.repo.create_account(&key).await? {
if let Ok(Some(invoice_info)) = self.repo.get_unpaid_invoice(&key).await {
return Ok(invoice_info);
let key = Keys::from_pk_str(pubkey)?;
let invoice_info = self.processor.get_invoice(&key, amount).await?;
// Persist invoice to DB
.create_invoice_record(&key, invoice_info.clone())
// Admission event invoice and terms to pubkey that is joining
self.send_admission_message(pubkey, &invoice_info).await?;
/// Check paid status of invoice with LNbits
pub async fn check_invoice_status(&self, payment_hash: &str) -> Result<InvoiceStatus, Error> {
// Check base if passed expiry time
let status = self.processor.check_invoice(payment_hash).await?;
.update_invoice(payment_hash, status.clone())