mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 09:29:06 -05:00
* improvement: use appropriate paths for systemd example * improvement: add a configurable postgres write conn string This adds a new configurable connection string for postgres writes. * improvement: document pg connection_write config * build: upgrade checkout action for github ci * perf: use standard allocator, limit sqlite mmap to 4GB This is an experimental change to see if we can reduce memory usage with large SQLite databases. If successful, we'll do this again and further reduce the database mmap size. This will cause greater use of the page cache, but that is more easily reclaimed by the kernel, and should reduce memory pressure, as well as making it clearer how much memory the application is actually using for connections, subscriptions, etc. * docs: reformatting * docs: allow host header prefix matching, required for Damus compatibility * perf: disable sqlite mmap to reduce memory pressure * perf: switch to jemalloc allocator * docs: helpful ubuntu packages for building * perf: reduce SQLite connection count and idle lifetime On lightly loaded relays, we free up memory faster by letting idle connections be reclaimed in 10 seconds instead of the default 10 minutes. This also sets the minimum to zero connections, instead of always trying to hold one open. --------- Co-authored-by: Petr Kracik <petrkr@petrkr.net> Co-authored-by: Kieran <kieran@harkin.me> Co-authored-by: Greg Heartsfield <scsibug@imap.cc>
1385 lines
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1385 lines
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//! Event persistence and querying
//use crate::config::SETTINGS;
use crate::config::Settings;
use crate::db::QueryResult;
use crate::error::{Error::SqlError, Result};
use crate::event::{single_char_tagname, Event};
use crate::hexrange::hex_range;
use crate::hexrange::HexSearch;
use crate::nip05::{Nip05Name, VerificationRecord};
use crate::payment::{InvoiceInfo, InvoiceStatus};
use crate::repo::sqlite_migration::{upgrade_db, STARTUP_SQL};
use crate::server::NostrMetrics;
use crate::subscription::{ReqFilter, Subscription};
use crate::utils::{is_hex, unix_time};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use hex;
use r2d2;
use r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager;
use rusqlite::params;
use rusqlite::types::ToSql;
use rusqlite::OpenFlags;
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::Instant;
use tokio::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Semaphore};
use tokio::task;
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
use crate::repo::{now_jitter, NostrRepo};
use nostr::key::Keys;
pub type SqlitePool = r2d2::Pool<r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager>;
pub type PooledConnection = r2d2::PooledConnection<r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager>;
pub const DB_FILE: &str = "nostr.db";
pub struct SqliteRepo {
/// Metrics
metrics: NostrMetrics,
/// Pool for reading events and NIP-05 status
read_pool: SqlitePool,
/// Pool for writing events and NIP-05 verification
write_pool: SqlitePool,
/// Pool for performing checkpoints/optimization
maint_pool: SqlitePool,
/// Flag to indicate a checkpoint is underway
checkpoint_in_progress: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
/// Flag to limit writer concurrency
write_in_progress: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
/// Semaphore for readers to acquire blocking threads
reader_threads_ready: Arc<Semaphore>,
impl SqliteRepo {
// build all the pools needed
pub fn new(settings: &Settings, metrics: NostrMetrics) -> SqliteRepo {
let write_pool = build_pool(
let maint_pool = build_pool(
let read_pool = build_pool(
// this is used to block new reads during critical checkpoints
let checkpoint_in_progress = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
// SQLite can only effectively write single threaded, so don't
// block multiple worker threads unnecessarily.
let write_in_progress = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
// configure the number of worker threads that can be spawned
// to match the number of database reader connections.
let max_conn = settings.database.max_conn as usize;
let reader_threads_ready = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(max_conn));
SqliteRepo {
/// Persist an event to the database, returning rows added.
pub fn persist_event(conn: &mut PooledConnection, e: &Event) -> Result<u64> {
// enable auto vacuum
conn.execute_batch("pragma auto_vacuum = FULL")?;
// start transaction
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
// get relevant fields from event and convert to blobs.
let id_blob = hex::decode(&e.id).ok();
let pubkey_blob: Option<Vec<u8>> = hex::decode(&e.pubkey).ok();
let delegator_blob: Option<Vec<u8>> =
e.delegated_by.as_ref().and_then(|d| hex::decode(d).ok());
let event_str = serde_json::to_string(&e).ok();
// check for replaceable events that would hide this one; we won't even attempt to insert these.
if e.is_replaceable() {
let repl_count = tx.query_row(
"SELECT e.id FROM event e INDEXED BY author_index WHERE e.author=? AND e.kind=? AND e.created_at >= ? LIMIT 1;",
params![pubkey_blob, e.kind, e.created_at], |row| row.get::<usize, usize>(0));
if repl_count.ok().is_some() {
return Ok(0);
// check for parameterized replaceable events that would be hidden; don't insert these either.
if let Some(d_tag) = e.distinct_param() {
let repl_count = tx.query_row(
"SELECT e.id FROM event e LEFT JOIN tag t ON e.id=t.event_id WHERE e.author=? AND e.kind=? AND t.name='d' AND t.value=? AND e.created_at >= ? LIMIT 1;",
params![pubkey_blob, e.kind, d_tag, e.created_at],|row| row.get::<usize, usize>(0));
// if any rows were returned, then some newer event with
// the same author/kind/tag value exist, and we can ignore
// this event.
if repl_count.ok().is_some() {
return Ok(0);
// ignore if the event hash is a duplicate.
let mut ins_count = tx.execute(
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO event (event_hash, created_at, expires_at, kind, author, delegated_by, content, first_seen, hidden) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, strftime('%s','now'), FALSE);",
params![id_blob, e.created_at, e.expiration(), e.kind, pubkey_blob, delegator_blob, event_str]
)? as u64;
if ins_count == 0 {
// if the event was a duplicate, no need to insert event or
// pubkey references.
return Ok(ins_count);
// remember primary key of the event most recently inserted.
let ev_id = tx.last_insert_rowid();
// add all tags to the tag table
for tag in &e.tags {
// ensure we have 2 values.
if tag.len() >= 2 {
let tagname = &tag[0];
let tagval = &tag[1];
// only single-char tags are searchable
let tagchar_opt = single_char_tagname(tagname);
match &tagchar_opt {
Some(_) => {
"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag (event_id, name, value, kind, created_at) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5)",
params![ev_id, &tagname, &tagval, e.kind, e.created_at],
None => {}
// if this event is replaceable update, remove other replaceable
// event with the same kind from the same author that was issued
// earlier than this.
if e.is_replaceable() {
let author = hex::decode(&e.pubkey).ok();
// this is a backwards check - hide any events that were older.
let update_count = tx.execute(
"DELETE FROM event WHERE kind=? and author=? and id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM event INDEXED BY author_kind_index WHERE kind=? AND author=? ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1)",
params![e.kind, author, e.kind, author],
if update_count > 0 {
"removed {} older replaceable kind {} events for author: {:?}",
// if this event is parameterized replaceable, remove other events.
if let Some(d_tag) = e.distinct_param() {
let update_count = tx.execute(
"DELETE FROM event WHERE kind=? AND author=? AND id IN (SELECT e.id FROM event e LEFT JOIN tag t ON e.id=t.event_id WHERE e.kind=? AND e.author=? AND t.name='d' AND t.value=? ORDER BY t.created_at DESC LIMIT -1 OFFSET 1);",
params![e.kind, pubkey_blob, e.kind, pubkey_blob, d_tag])?;
if update_count > 0 {
"removed {} older parameterized replaceable kind {} events for author: {:?}",
// if this event is a deletion, hide the referenced events from the same author.
if e.kind == 5 {
let event_candidates = e.tag_values_by_name("e");
// first parameter will be author
let mut params: Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>> = vec![Box::new(hex::decode(&e.pubkey)?)];
.filter(|x| is_hex(x) && x.len() == 64)
.filter_map(|x| hex::decode(x).ok())
.for_each(|x| params.push(Box::new(x)));
let query = format!(
"UPDATE event SET hidden=TRUE WHERE kind!=5 AND author=? AND event_hash IN ({})",
repeat_vars(params.len() - 1)
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(&query)?;
let update_count = stmt.execute(rusqlite::params_from_iter(params))?;
"hid {} deleted events for author {:?}",
} else {
// check if a deletion has already been recorded for this event.
// Only relevant for non-deletion events
let del_count = tx.query_row(
"SELECT e.id FROM event e WHERE e.author=? AND e.id IN (SELECT t.event_id FROM tag t WHERE t.name='e' AND t.kind=5 AND t.value=?) LIMIT 1;",
params![pubkey_blob, e.id], |row| row.get::<usize, usize>(0));
// check if a the query returned a result, meaning we should
// hid the current event
if del_count.ok().is_some() {
// a deletion already existed, mark original event as hidden.
"hid event: {:?} due to existing deletion by author: {:?}",
let _update_count =
tx.execute("UPDATE event SET hidden=TRUE WHERE id=?", params![ev_id])?;
// event was deleted, so let caller know nothing new
// arrived, preventing this from being sent to active
// subscriptions
ins_count = 0;
impl NostrRepo for SqliteRepo {
async fn start(&self) -> Result<()> {
async fn migrate_up(&self) -> Result<usize> {
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
task::spawn_blocking(move || upgrade_db(&mut conn)).await?
/// Persist event to database
async fn write_event(&self, e: &Event) -> Result<u64> {
let start = Instant::now();
let max_write_attempts = 10;
let mut attempts = 0;
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
// spawn a blocking thread
//let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let pool = self.write_pool.clone();
let e = e.clone();
let event_count = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let mut conn = pool.get()?;
// this could fail because the database was busy; try
// multiple times before giving up.
loop {
attempts += 1;
let wr = SqliteRepo::persist_event(&mut conn, &e);
match wr {
Err(SqlError(rusqlite::Error::SqliteFailure(e, _))) => {
// this basically means that NIP-05 or another
// writer was using the database between us
// reading and promoting the connection to a
// write lock.
"event write failed, DB locked (attempt: {}); sqlite err: {}",
attempts, e.extended_code
_ => {
return wr;
if attempts >= max_write_attempts {
return wr;
/// Perform a database query using a subscription.
/// The [`Subscription`] is converted into a SQL query. Each result
/// is published on the `query_tx` channel as it is returned. If a
/// message becomes available on the `abandon_query_rx` channel, the
/// query is immediately aborted.
async fn query_subscription(
sub: Subscription,
client_id: String,
query_tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<QueryResult>,
mut abandon_query_rx: tokio::sync::oneshot::Receiver<()>,
) -> Result<()> {
let pre_spawn_start = Instant::now();
// if we let every request spawn a thread, we'll exhaust the
// thread pool waiting for queries to finish under high load.
// Instead, don't bother spawning threads when they will just
// block on a database connection.
let sem = self
let self = self.clone();
let metrics = self.metrics.clone();
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
// if we are waiting on a checkpoint, stop until it is complete
let _x = self.checkpoint_in_progress.blocking_lock();
let db_queue_time = pre_spawn_start.elapsed();
// if the queue time was very long (>5 seconds), spare the DB and abort.
if db_queue_time > Duration::from_secs(5) {
"shedding DB query load queued for {:?} (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
db_queue_time, client_id, sub.id
return Ok(());
// otherwise, report queuing time if it is slow
else if db_queue_time > Duration::from_secs(1) {
"(slow) DB query queued for {:?} (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
db_queue_time, client_id, sub.id
// check before getting a DB connection if the client still wants the results
if abandon_query_rx.try_recv().is_ok() {
"query cancelled by client (before execution) (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id
return Ok(());
let start = Instant::now();
let mut row_count: usize = 0;
// cutoff for displaying slow queries
let slow_cutoff = Duration::from_millis(250);
let mut filter_count = 0;
// remove duplicates from the filter list.
if let Ok(mut conn) = self.read_pool.get() {
let pool_state = self.read_pool.state();
.set((pool_state.connections - pool_state.idle_connections).into());
for filter in sub.filters.iter() {
let filter_start = Instant::now();
filter_count += 1;
let sql_gen_elapsed = filter_start.elapsed();
let (q, p, idx) = query_from_filter(filter);
if sql_gen_elapsed > Duration::from_millis(10) {
debug!("SQL (slow) generated in {:?}", filter_start.elapsed());
// any client that doesn't cause us to generate new rows in 2
// seconds gets dropped.
let abort_cutoff = Duration::from_secs(2);
let mut slow_first_event;
let mut last_successful_send = Instant::now();
// execute the query.
// make the actual SQL query (with parameters inserted) available
conn.trace(Some(|x| trace!("SQL trace: {:?}", x)));
let mut stmt = conn.prepare_cached(&q)?;
let mut event_rows = stmt.query(rusqlite::params_from_iter(p))?;
let mut first_result = true;
while let Some(row) = event_rows.next()? {
let first_event_elapsed = filter_start.elapsed();
slow_first_event = first_event_elapsed >= slow_cutoff;
if first_result {
"first result in {:?} (cid: {}, sub: {:?}, filter: {}) [used index: {:?}]",
first_event_elapsed, client_id, sub.id, filter_count, idx
// logging for slow queries; show filter and SQL.
// to reduce logging; only show 1/16th of clients (leading 0)
if slow_first_event && client_id.starts_with('0') {
"filter first result in {:?} (slow): {} (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
first_result = false;
// check if a checkpoint is trying to run, and abort
if row_count % 100 == 0 {
if self.checkpoint_in_progress.try_lock().is_err() {
// lock was held, abort this query
"query aborted due to checkpoint (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id
return Ok(());
// check if this is still active; every 100 rows
if row_count % 100 == 0 && abandon_query_rx.try_recv().is_ok() {
"query cancelled by client (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id
return Ok(());
row_count += 1;
let event_json = row.get(0)?;
loop {
if query_tx.capacity() != 0 {
// we have capacity to add another item
// the queue is full
trace!("db reader thread is stalled");
if last_successful_send + abort_cutoff < Instant::now() {
// the queue has been full for too long, abort
info!("aborting database query due to slow client (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id);
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
return ok;
// check if a checkpoint is trying to run, and abort
if self.checkpoint_in_progress.try_lock().is_err() {
// lock was held, abort this query
"query aborted due to checkpoint (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id
return Ok(());
// give the queue a chance to clear before trying again
"query thread sleeping due to full query_tx (cid: {}, sub: {:?})",
client_id, sub.id
// TODO: we could use try_send, but we'd have to juggle
// getting the query result back as part of the error
// result.
.blocking_send(QueryResult {
sub_id: sub.get_id(),
event: event_json,
last_successful_send = Instant::now();
// if the filter took too much db_time, print out the JSON.
if filter_start.elapsed() > slow_cutoff && client_id.starts_with('0') {
"query filter req (slow): {} (cid: {}, sub: {:?}, filter: {})",
} else {
warn!("Could not get a database connection for querying");
drop(sem); // new query can begin
"query completed in {:?} (cid: {}, sub: {:?}, db_time: {:?}, rows: {})",
.blocking_send(QueryResult {
sub_id: sub.get_id(),
event: "EOSE".to_string(),
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Perform normal maintenance
async fn optimize_db(&self) -> Result<()> {
let conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let start = Instant::now();
conn.execute_batch("PRAGMA optimize;").ok();
info!("optimize ran in {:?}", start.elapsed());
/// Create a new verification record connected to a specific event
async fn create_verification_record(&self, event_id: &str, name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let e = hex::decode(event_id).ok();
let n = name.to_owned();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
// if we create a /new/ one, we should get rid of any old ones. or group the new ones by name and only consider the latest.
let query = "INSERT INTO user_verification (metadata_event, name, verified_at) VALUES ((SELECT id from event WHERE event_hash=?), ?, strftime('%s','now'));";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![e, n])?;
// get the row ID
let v_id = tx.last_insert_rowid();
// delete everything else by this name
let del_query = "DELETE FROM user_verification WHERE name = ? AND id != ?;";
let mut del_stmt = tx.prepare(del_query)?;
let count = del_stmt.execute(params![n,v_id])?;
if count > 0 {
info!("removed {} old verification records for ({:?})", count, n);
info!("saved new verification record for ({:?})", n);
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Update verification timestamp
async fn update_verification_timestamp(&self, id: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
// add some jitter to the verification to prevent everything from stacking up together.
let verif_time = now_jitter(600);
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
// update verification time and reset any failure count
let query =
"UPDATE user_verification SET verified_at=?, failure_count=0 WHERE id=?";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![verif_time, id])?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Update verification record as failed
async fn fail_verification(&self, id: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
// add some jitter to the verification to prevent everything from stacking up together.
let fail_time = now_jitter(600);
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "UPDATE user_verification SET failed_at=?, failure_count=failure_count+1 WHERE id=?";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![fail_time, id])?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Delete verification record
async fn delete_verification(&self, id: u64) -> Result<()> {
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let _write_guard = self.write_in_progress.lock().await;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "DELETE FROM user_verification WHERE id=?;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Get the latest verification record for a given pubkey.
async fn get_latest_user_verification(&self, pub_key: &str) -> Result<VerificationRecord> {
let mut conn = self.read_pool.get()?;
let pub_key = pub_key.to_owned();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "SELECT v.id, v.name, e.event_hash, e.created_at, v.verified_at, v.failed_at, v.failure_count FROM user_verification v LEFT JOIN event e ON e.id=v.metadata_event WHERE e.author=? ORDER BY e.created_at DESC, v.verified_at DESC, v.failed_at DESC LIMIT 1;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(query)?;
let fields = stmt.query_row(params![hex::decode(&pub_key).ok()], |r| {
let rowid: u64 = r.get(0)?;
let rowname: String = r.get(1)?;
let eventid: Vec<u8> = r.get(2)?;
let created_at: u64 = r.get(3)?;
// create a tuple since we can't throw non-rusqlite errors in this closure
Ok(VerificationRecord {
rowid: fields.0,
name: Nip05Name::try_from(&fields.1[..])?,
address: pub_key,
event: hex::encode(fields.2),
event_created: fields.3,
last_success: fields.4,
last_failure: fields.5,
failure_count: fields.6,
/// Get oldest verification before timestamp
async fn get_oldest_user_verification(&self, before: u64) -> Result<VerificationRecord> {
let mut conn = self.read_pool.get()?;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "SELECT v.id, v.name, e.event_hash, e.author, e.created_at, v.verified_at, v.failed_at, v.failure_count FROM user_verification v INNER JOIN event e ON e.id=v.metadata_event WHERE (v.verified_at < ? OR v.verified_at IS NULL) AND (v.failed_at < ? OR v.failed_at IS NULL) ORDER BY v.verified_at ASC, v.failed_at ASC LIMIT 1;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(query)?;
let fields = stmt.query_row(params![before, before], |r| {
let rowid: u64 = r.get(0)?;
let rowname: String = r.get(1)?;
let eventid: Vec<u8> = r.get(2)?;
let pubkey: Vec<u8> = r.get(3)?;
let created_at: u64 = r.get(4)?;
// create a tuple since we can't throw non-rusqlite errors in this closure
let vr = VerificationRecord {
rowid: fields.0,
name: Nip05Name::try_from(&fields.1[..])?,
address: hex::encode(fields.3),
event: hex::encode(fields.2),
event_created: fields.4,
last_success: fields.5,
last_failure: fields.6,
failure_count: fields.7,
/// Create account
async fn create_account(&self, pub_key: &Keys) -> Result<bool> {
let pub_key = pub_key.public_key().to_string();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let ins_count = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let ins_count: u64;
// Ignore if user is already in db
let query = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account (pubkey, is_admitted, balance) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3);";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
ins_count = stmt.execute(params![&pub_key, false, 0])? as u64;
let ok: Result<u64> = Ok(ins_count);
if ins_count != 1 {
return Ok(false);
/// Admit account
async fn admit_account(&self, pub_key: &Keys, admission_cost: u64) -> Result<()> {
let pub_key = pub_key.public_key().to_string();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let pub_key = pub_key.to_owned();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "UPDATE account SET is_admitted = TRUE, tos_accepted_at = strftime('%s','now'), balance = balance - ?1 WHERE pubkey=?2;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![admission_cost, pub_key])?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Gets if the account is admitted and balance
async fn get_account_balance(&self, pub_key: &Keys) -> Result<(bool, u64)> {
let pub_key = pub_key.public_key().to_string();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let pub_key = pub_key.to_owned();
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "SELECT is_admitted, balance FROM account WHERE pubkey = ?1;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare_cached(query)?;
let fields = stmt.query_row(params![pub_key], |r| {
let is_admitted: bool = r.get(0)?;
let balance: u64 = r.get(1)?;
// create a tuple since we can't throw non-rusqlite errors in this closure
Ok((is_admitted, balance))
/// Update account balance
async fn update_account_balance(
pub_key: &Keys,
positive: bool,
new_balance: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
let pub_key = pub_key.public_key().to_string();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = if positive {
"UPDATE account SET balance=balance + ?1 WHERE pubkey=?2"
} else {
"UPDATE account SET balance=balance - ?1 WHERE pubkey=?2"
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![new_balance, pub_key])?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Create invoice record
async fn create_invoice_record(&self, pub_key: &Keys, invoice_info: InvoiceInfo) -> Result<()> {
let pub_key = pub_key.public_key().to_string();
let pub_key = pub_key.to_owned();
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = "INSERT INTO invoice (pubkey, payment_hash, amount, status, description, created_at, invoice) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, strftime('%s','now'), ?6);";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![&pub_key, invoice_info.payment_hash, invoice_info.amount, invoice_info.status.to_string(), invoice_info.memo, invoice_info.bolt11])?;
let ok: Result<()> = Ok(());
/// Update invoice record
async fn update_invoice(&self, payment_hash: &str, status: InvoiceStatus) -> Result<String> {
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let payment_hash = payment_hash.to_owned();
let pub_key = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let pubkey: String;
// Get required invoice info for given payment hash
let query = "SELECT pubkey, status, amount FROM invoice WHERE payment_hash=?1;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
let (pub_key, prev_status, amount) = stmt.query_row(params![payment_hash], |r| {
let pub_key: String = r.get(0)?;
let status: String = r.get(1)?;
let amount: u64 = r.get(2)?;
Ok((pub_key, status, amount))
// If the invoice is paid update the confirmed_at timestamp
let query = if status.eq(&InvoiceStatus::Paid) {
"UPDATE invoice SET status=?1, confirmed_at = strftime('%s', 'now') WHERE payment_hash=?2;"
} else {
"UPDATE invoice SET status=?1 WHERE payment_hash=?2;"
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![status.to_string(), payment_hash])?;
// Increase account balance by given invoice amount
if prev_status == "Unpaid" && status.eq(&InvoiceStatus::Paid) {
let query =
"UPDATE account SET balance = balance + ?1 WHERE pubkey = ?2;";
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query)?;
stmt.execute(params![amount, pub_key])?;
pubkey = pub_key;
let ok: Result<String> = Ok(pubkey);
/// Get the most recent invoice for a given pubkey
/// invoice must be unpaid and not expired
async fn get_unpaid_invoice(&self, pubkey: &Keys) -> Result<Option<InvoiceInfo>> {
let mut conn = self.write_pool.get()?;
let pubkey = pubkey.to_owned();
let pubkey_str = pubkey.clone().public_key().to_string();
let (payment_hash, invoice, amount, description) = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let query = r#"
SELECT amount, payment_hash, description, invoice
FROM invoice
WHERE pubkey = ?1 AND status = 'Unpaid'
ORDER BY created_at DESC
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(query).unwrap();
stmt.query_row(params![&pubkey_str], |r| {
let amount: u64 = r.get(0)?;
let payment_hash: String = r.get(1)?;
let description: String = r.get(2)?;
let invoice: String = r.get(3)?;
Ok((payment_hash, invoice, amount, description))
Ok(Some(InvoiceInfo {
pubkey: pubkey.public_key().to_string(),
bolt11: invoice,
status: InvoiceStatus::Unpaid,
memo: description,
confirmed_at: None,
/// Decide if there is an index that should be used explicitly
fn override_index(f: &ReqFilter) -> Option<String> {
if f.ids.is_some() {
return Some("event_hash_index".into());
// queries for multiple kinds default to kind_index, which is
// significantly slower than kind_created_at_index.
if let Some(ks) = &f.kinds {
if f.ids.is_none()
&& ks.len() > 1
&& f.since.is_none()
&& f.until.is_none()
&& f.tags.is_none()
&& f.authors.is_none()
return Some("kind_created_at_index".into());
// if there is an author, it is much better to force the authors index.
if f.authors.is_some() {
if f.since.is_none() && f.until.is_none() && f.limit.is_none() {
if f.kinds.is_none() {
// with no use of kinds/created_at, just author
return Some("author_index".into());
// prefer author_kind if there are kinds
return Some("author_kind_index".into());
// finally, prefer author_created_at if time is provided
return Some("author_created_at_index".into());
/// Create a dynamic SQL subquery and params from a subscription filter (and optional explicit index used)
fn query_from_filter(f: &ReqFilter) -> (String, Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>>, Option<String>) {
// build a dynamic SQL query. all user-input is either an integer
// (sqli-safe), or a string that is filtered to only contain
// hexadecimal characters. Strings that require escaping (tag
// names/values) use parameters.
// if the filter is malformed, don't return anything.
if f.force_no_match {
let empty_query = "SELECT e.content FROM event e WHERE 1=0".to_owned();
// query parameters for SQLite
let empty_params: Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>> = vec![];
return (empty_query, empty_params, None);
// check if the index needs to be overriden
let idx_name = override_index(f);
let idx_stmt = idx_name
.map_or_else(|| "".to_owned(), |i| format!("INDEXED BY {i}"));
let mut query = format!("SELECT e.content FROM event e {idx_stmt}");
// query parameters for SQLite
let mut params: Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>> = vec![];
// individual filter components (single conditions such as an author or event ID)
let mut filter_components: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
// Query for "authors", allowing prefix matches
if let Some(authvec) = &f.authors {
// take each author and convert to a hexsearch
let mut auth_searches: Vec<String> = vec![];
for auth in authvec {
match hex_range(auth) {
Some(HexSearch::Exact(ex)) => {
Some(HexSearch::Range(lower, upper)) => {
auth_searches.push("(author>? AND author<?)".to_owned());
Some(HexSearch::LowerOnly(lower)) => {
None => {
info!("Could not parse hex range from author {:?}", auth);
if !authvec.is_empty() {
let auth_clause = format!("({})", auth_searches.join(" OR "));
} else {
// Query for Kind
if let Some(ks) = &f.kinds {
// kind is number, no escaping needed
let str_kinds: Vec<String> = ks.iter().map(std::string::ToString::to_string).collect();
let kind_clause = format!("kind IN ({})", str_kinds.join(", "));
// Query for event, allowing prefix matches
if let Some(idvec) = &f.ids {
// take each author and convert to a hexsearch
let mut id_searches: Vec<String> = vec![];
for id in idvec {
match hex_range(id) {
Some(HexSearch::Exact(ex)) => {
Some(HexSearch::Range(lower, upper)) => {
id_searches.push("(event_hash>? AND event_hash<?)".to_owned());
Some(HexSearch::LowerOnly(lower)) => {
None => {
info!("Could not parse hex range from id {:?}", id);
if idvec.is_empty() {
// if the ids list was empty, we should never return
// any results.
} else {
let id_clause = format!("({})", id_searches.join(" OR "));
// Query for tags
if let Some(map) = &f.tags {
for (key, val) in map.iter() {
let mut str_vals: Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>> = vec![];
for v in val {
// create clauses with "?" params for each tag value being searched
let str_clause = format!("AND value IN ({})", repeat_vars(str_vals.len()));
// find evidence of the target tag name/value existing for this event.
// Query for Kind/Since/Until additionally, to reduce the number of tags that come back.
let kind_clause;
let since_clause;
let until_clause;
if let Some(ks) = &f.kinds {
// kind is number, no escaping needed
let str_kinds: Vec<String> =
kind_clause = format!("AND kind IN ({})", str_kinds.join(", "));
} else {
kind_clause = format!("");
if f.since.is_some() {
since_clause = format!("AND created_at > {}", f.since.unwrap());
} else {
since_clause = format!("");
// Query for timestamp
if f.until.is_some() {
until_clause = format!("AND created_at < {}", f.until.unwrap());
} else {
until_clause = format!("");
let tag_clause = format!(
"e.id IN (SELECT t.event_id FROM tag t WHERE (name=? {str_clause} {kind_clause} {since_clause} {until_clause}))"
// add the tag name as the first parameter
// add all tag values that are blobs as params
params.append(&mut str_vals);
// Query for timestamp
if f.since.is_some() {
let created_clause = format!("created_at > {}", f.since.unwrap());
// Query for timestamp
if f.until.is_some() {
let until_clause = format!("created_at < {}", f.until.unwrap());
// never display hidden events
query.push_str(" WHERE hidden!=TRUE");
// never display hidden events
filter_components.push("(expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > ?)".to_string());
// build filter component conditions
if !filter_components.is_empty() {
query.push_str(" AND ");
query.push_str(&filter_components.join(" AND "));
// Apply per-filter limit to this subquery.
// The use of a LIMIT implies a DESC order, to capture only the most recent events.
if let Some(lim) = f.limit {
let _ = write!(query, " ORDER BY e.created_at DESC LIMIT {lim}");
} else {
query.push_str(" ORDER BY e.created_at ASC");
(query, params, idx_name)
/// Create a dynamic SQL query string and params from a subscription.
fn _query_from_sub(sub: &Subscription) -> (String, Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>>, Vec<String>) {
// build a dynamic SQL query for an entire subscription, based on
// SQL subqueries for filters.
let mut subqueries: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
let mut indexes = vec![];
// subquery params
let mut params: Vec<Box<dyn ToSql>> = vec![];
// for every filter in the subscription, generate a subquery
for f in &sub.filters {
let (f_subquery, mut f_params, index) = query_from_filter(f);
if let Some(i) = index {
params.append(&mut f_params);
// encapsulate subqueries into select statements
let subqueries_selects: Vec<String> = subqueries
.map(|s| format!("SELECT distinct content, created_at FROM ({s})"))
let query: String = subqueries_selects.join(" UNION ");
(query, params, indexes)
/// Build a database connection pool.
/// # Panics
/// Will panic if the pool could not be created.
pub fn build_pool(
name: &str,
settings: &Settings,
flags: OpenFlags,
min_size: u32,
max_size: u32,
wait_for_db: bool,
) -> SqlitePool {
let db_dir = &settings.database.data_directory;
let full_path = Path::new(db_dir).join(DB_FILE);
// small hack; if the database doesn't exist yet, that means the
// writer thread hasn't finished. Give it a chance to work. This
// is only an issue with the first time we run.
if !settings.database.in_memory {
while !full_path.exists() && wait_for_db {
debug!("Database reader pool is waiting on the database to be created...");
let manager = if settings.database.in_memory {
.with_init(|c| c.execute_batch(STARTUP_SQL))
} else {
.with_init(|c| c.execute_batch(STARTUP_SQL))
let pool: SqlitePool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
.test_on_check_out(true) // no noticeable performance hit
"Built a connection pool {:?} (min={}, max={})",
name, min_size, max_size
/// Cleanup expired events on a regular basis
async fn cleanup_expired(
pool: SqlitePool,
frequency: Duration,
write_in_progress: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
) -> Result<()> {
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = tokio::time::sleep(frequency) => {
if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get() {
let mut _guard:Option<MutexGuard<u64>> = None;
// take a write lock to prevent event writes
// from proceeding while we are deleting
// events. This isn't necessary, but
// minimizes the chances of forcing event
// persistence to be retried.
_guard = Some(write_in_progress.lock().await);
let start = Instant::now();
let exp_res = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
delete_expired(&mut conn)
match exp_res {
Ok(Ok(count)) => {
if count > 0 {
info!("removed {} expired events in: {:?}", count, start.elapsed());
_ => {
// either the task or underlying query failed
info!("there was an error cleaning up expired events: {:?}", exp_res);
/// Execute a query to delete all expired events
pub fn delete_expired(conn: &mut PooledConnection) -> Result<usize> {
let tx = conn.transaction()?;
let update_count = tx.execute(
"DELETE FROM event WHERE expires_at <= ?",
/// Perform database WAL checkpoint on a regular basis
pub async fn db_checkpoint_task(
pool: SqlitePool,
frequency: Duration,
write_in_progress: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
checkpoint_in_progress: Arc<Mutex<u64>>,
) -> Result<()> {
// TODO; use acquire_many on the reader semaphore to stop them from interrupting this.
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
// WAL size in pages.
let mut current_wal_size = 0;
// WAL threshold for more aggressive checkpointing (10,000 pages, or about 40MB)
let wal_threshold = 1000 * 10;
// default threshold for the busy timer
let busy_wait_default = Duration::from_secs(1);
// if the WAL file is getting too big, switch to this
let busy_wait_default_long = Duration::from_secs(10);
loop {
tokio::select! {
_ = tokio::time::sleep(frequency) => {
if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get() {
// block all other writers
let _write_guard = write_in_progress.lock().await;
let mut _guard:Option<MutexGuard<u64>> = None;
// the busy timer will block writers, so don't set
// this any higher than you want max latency for event
// writes.
if current_wal_size <= wal_threshold {
} else {
// if the wal size has exceeded a threshold, increase the busy timeout.
// take a lock that will prevent new readers.
info!("blocking new readers to perform wal_checkpoint");
_guard = Some(checkpoint_in_progress.lock().await);
debug!("running wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE)");
if let Ok(new_size) = checkpoint_db(&mut conn) {
current_wal_size = new_size;
enum SqliteStatus {
/// Checkpoint/Truncate WAL. Returns the number of WAL pages remaining.
pub fn checkpoint_db(conn: &mut PooledConnection) -> Result<usize> {
let query = "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint(TRUNCATE);";
let start = Instant::now();
let (cp_result, wal_size, _frames_checkpointed) = conn.query_row(query, [], |row| {
let checkpoint_result: u64 = row.get(0)?;
let wal_size: u64 = row.get(1)?;
let frames_checkpointed: u64 = row.get(2)?;
Ok((checkpoint_result, wal_size, frames_checkpointed))
let result = match cp_result {
0 => SqliteStatus::Ok,
1 => SqliteStatus::Busy,
2 => SqliteStatus::Error,
x => SqliteStatus::Other(x),
"checkpoint ran in {:?} (result: {:?}, WAL size: {})",
Ok(wal_size as usize)
/// Produce a arbitrary list of '?' parameters.
fn repeat_vars(count: usize) -> String {
if count == 0 {
return "".to_owned();
let mut s = "?,".repeat(count);
// Remove trailing comma
/// Display database pool stats every 1 minute
pub async fn monitor_pool(name: &str, pool: SqlitePool) {
let sleep_dur = Duration::from_secs(60);
loop {
log_pool_stats(name, &pool);
/// Log pool stats
fn log_pool_stats(name: &str, pool: &SqlitePool) {
let state: r2d2::State = pool.state();
let in_use_cxns = state.connections - state.idle_connections;
"DB pool {:?} usage (in_use: {}, available: {}, max: {})",
/// Check if the pool is fully utilized
fn _pool_at_capacity(pool: &SqlitePool) -> bool {
let state: r2d2::State = pool.state();
state.idle_connections == 0