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synced 2025-03-16 18:10:28 -04:00
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108 lines
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use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use nostr_rs_relay::config;
use nostr_rs_relay::server::start_server;
//use http::{Request, Response};
use hyper::{Client, StatusCode, Uri};
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU16, Ordering};
use std::sync::mpsc as syncmpsc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Receiver as MpscReceiver, Sender as MpscSender};
use std::thread;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
use std::time::Duration;
use tracing::{debug, info};
pub struct Relay {
pub port: u16,
pub handle: JoinHandle<()>,
pub shutdown_tx: MpscSender<()>,
pub fn start_relay() -> Result<Relay> {
// setup tracing
let _trace_sub = tracing_subscriber::fmt::try_init();
info!("Starting a new relay");
// replace default settings
let mut settings = config::Settings::default();
// identify open port
info!("Checking for address...");
let port = get_available_port().unwrap();
info!("Found open port: {}", port);
// bind to local interface only
settings.network.address = "".to_owned();
settings.network.port = port;
// create an in-memory DB with multiple readers
settings.database.in_memory = true;
settings.database.min_conn = 4;
settings.database.max_conn = 8;
let (shutdown_tx, shutdown_rx): (MpscSender<()>, MpscReceiver<()>) = syncmpsc::channel();
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
// server will block the thread it is run on.
let _ = start_server(&settings, shutdown_rx);
// how do we know the relay has finished starting up?
Ok(Relay {
// check if the server is healthy via HTTP request
async fn server_ready(relay: &Relay) -> Result<bool> {
let uri: String = format!("{}/", relay.port);
let client = Client::new();
let uri: Uri = uri.parse().unwrap();
let res = client.get(uri).await?;
Ok(res.status() == StatusCode::OK)
pub async fn wait_for_healthy_relay(relay: &Relay) -> Result<()> {
// TODO: maximum time to wait for server to become healthy.
// give it a little time to start up before we start polling
loop {
let server_check = server_ready(relay).await;
match server_check {
Ok(true) => {
// server responded with 200-OK.
Ok(false) => {
// server responded with an error, we're done.
return Err(anyhow!("Got non-200-OK from relay"));
Err(_) => {
// server is not yet ready, probably connection refused...
debug!("Relay not ready, will try again...");
info!("relay is ready");
// simple message sent to web browsers
//let mut request = Request::builder()
// .uri("https://www.rust-lang.org/")
// .header("User-Agent", "my-awesome-agent/1.0");
// from https://elliotekj.com/posts/2017/07/25/find-available-tcp-port-rust/
// This needed some modification; if multiple tasks all ask for open ports, they will tend to get the same one.
// instead we should try to try these incrementally/globally.
static PORT_COUNTER: AtomicU16 = AtomicU16::new(4030);
fn get_available_port() -> Option<u16> {
let startsearch = PORT_COUNTER.fetch_add(10, Ordering::SeqCst);
if startsearch >= 20000 {
// wrap around
PORT_COUNTER.store(4030, Ordering::Relaxed);
(startsearch..20000).find(|port| port_is_available(*port))
pub fn port_is_available(port: u16) -> bool {
info!("checking on port {}", port);
TcpListener::bind(("", port)).is_ok()