#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail NOSTR_RELAYER=${NOSTR_RELAYER:-nostcat} FUZZER=${FUZZER:-fzf} if ! command -v $NOSTR_RELAYER >&2 >/dev/null; then printf "error: nostr relayer '%s' not found, set \$NOSTR_RELAYER or install '%s'\n" $NOSTR_RELAYER $NOSTR_RELAYER exit 1 fi if ! command -v $FUZZER >&2 >/dev/null; then printf "error: fuzzer '%s' not found, set \$FUZZER or install '%s'\n" $FUZZER $FUZZER exit 1 fi if ! command -v jq >&2 >/dev/null; then printf "error: jq is required. please install. \n" exit 1 fi if ! command -v fzf >&2 >/dev/null; then printf "error: fzf is required. please install. \n" exit 1 fi usage() { printf "usage: git-show-nostr <-t tag OR id> [OPTIONS...]\n" printf "\n" printf " -O output patches to a local file.\n" printf " -o name output patches to a local file with a specific filename.\n" printf " -l limit Max number of results to return. defaults to 20.\n" printf " -t tag Query a nostr tag.\n" printf " -r relay nostr relay to query. Uses 'git config nostr.relays' option by default\n" exit 0 } if [ "$1" == "--help" ]; then usage exit 1 fi limit=20 while getopts "Oo:t:r:l:" o; do case "$o" in O) writeout=1 ;; o) writeout=1 fname=$OPTARG ;; r) relay=$OPTARG ;; t) tag=$OPTARG ;; l) limit=$OPTARG ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ -z $relay ]; then relay="$(git config nostr.relays)" fi if [ -z $relay ]; then usage exit 0 fi target=$tag query="" if [ -z $tag ]; then target=$id query=$(printf '"ids":["%s"],' $id) else query=$(printf '"#t":["%s"],' $tag) fi fullquery=$(printf '["REQ","git-show-nostr",{"kinds":[19691228],%s"limit": %d}]\n' "$query" $limit) if [ -z $fname ]; then target=${target:-all} outname="nostr-patches-$target.json" else outname=$fname fi if [ -z $writeout ]; then outname=$(mktemp) fi echo "$fullquery" | $NOSTR_RELAYER $relay | jq -c '.[2]' > "$outname" if [ ! -z $writeout ]; then printf "saved results to %s\n" "$outname" >&2 fi pager="$(git config core.pager)" if [ ! -t 1 ]; then pager=cat fi ev_count=$(wc -l < "$outname") if [ $ev_count = 1 ]; then jq -r .content "$outname" | $pager exit 1 fi dateformatter="" if ! command -v datefmt >&2 >/dev/null; then printf "install https://jb55.com/datefmt if you want nice relative timestamp formatting\n" >&2 dateformatter=cat else dateformatter="datefmt --relative" fi evid=$(jq -r ' def tag(name): .tags[] | select(.[0] == name) | .[1]; . | [(.created_at | tostring), (.|tag("t")), (.|tag("author")), (.|tag("subject")), .pubkey[0:20], "id:\(.id)"] | @tsv' "$outname" | sort -rn | $dateformatter | column -t -s $'\t' | $FUZZER | sed -E -n 's,.*id:(.*)$,\1,p' ) jq -r 'select(.id == "'$evid'") | .content' "$outname" | $pager if [ -z $writeout ]; then rm -f "$outname" fi