const chalk = require('chalk'); const d2d = require('degrees-to-direction'); const express = require('express') const app = express(); const fs = require('fs'); const ini = require('ini'); const mastodon = require('mastodon'); const mqtt = require('mqtt'); const request = require('request'); let Parser = require('rss-parser'); let parser = new Parser(); const xmpp = require('simple-xmpp'); const config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.ini', 'utf-8')); const api_pass = config.api_pass; const api_url = config.api_url; const api_user = config.api_user; const app_port = config.app_port; const asterisk_callfrom = config.asterisk_callfrom; const asterisk_callerID = config.asterisk_callerID; const asterisk_context = config.asterisk_context; const asterisk_host = config.asterisk_host; const asterisk_password = config.asterisk_password; const asterisk_port = config.asterisk_port; const asterisk_user = config.asterisk_user; const bot_hostname = config.bot_hostname; const bot_jid = config.bot_jid; const bot_password = config.bot_password; const city_code = config.city_code; const city_name = config.city_name; const gotify_api_key = config.gotify_api_key; const gotify_message = config.gotify_message; const gotify_priority = config.gotify_priority; const gotify_title = config.gotify_title; const gotify_url = config.gotify_url; const mastodon_token = config.mastodon_token; const mastodon_toot = config.mastodon_toot; const mastodon_url = config.mastodon_url; const mqtt_message = config.mqtt_message; const mqtt_password = config.mqtt_password; const mqtt_server = config.mqtt_server; const mqtt_topic = config.mqtt_topic; const mqtt_user = config.mqtt_user; const rpc_url = config.rpc_url; const user_jid = config.user_jid; const user_name = config.user_name; const vfc_url = config.vfc_url; const weather_api_key = config.weather_api_key; const weather_units = config.weather_units; var ami = new require('asterisk-manager')(asterisk_port, asterisk_host, asterisk_user, asterisk_password, false); let weather_url = `${city_code}&appid=${weather_api_key}&units=${weather_units}` var client = mqtt.connect('tcp://' + mqtt_user + ':' + mqtt_password + '@' + mqtt_server); var M = new mastodon({ access_token: `${mastodon_token}`, timeout_ms: 60*1000, api_url: `${mastodon_url}`, }) // Once we're online, we'll send a message alerting admins xmpp.on('online', function(data, to) { console.log('Connected with JID: ' + data.jid.user); xmpp.send(user_jid, "[ONLINE]", false); client.publish(mqtt_topic, mqtt_message);'statuses', { status: `${mastodon_toot}` }); app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send("Bot Online!

Bot Online!

")); app.listen(app_port, () => console.log(`Listening on ${app_port}!`)); }); xmpp.on('chat', function(from, message) { // HELP if (message === 'help' || message === 'Help') { xmpp.send(from, ''); console.log('help')); } // UNLOCKS else if (message === 'unlocks' || message === 'Unlocks') { var d = new Date(); var weekday = new Array(7); weekday[0] = "Sunday"; weekday[1] = "Monday"; weekday[2] = "Tuesday"; weekday[3] = "Wednesday"; weekday[4] = "Thursday"; weekday[5] = "Friday"; weekday[6] = "Saturday"; var n = weekday[d.getDay()]; request(api_url + "?columns=" + n, (error, res, body) => { if (error) { return }; if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) { var ulb = new RegExp(':(.*)}'); var ule = body.match(ulb); const ur = user_name + " has " + ule[1] + " unlocks for " + n; xmpp.send(from, ur); console.log(chalk.yellow(ur)); } if (!error && res.statusCode == 401) { console.log('Invalid credentials')); xmpp.send(from, 'Invalid credentials'); } if (!error && res.statusCode == 404) { console.log('Record not found')); xmpp.send(from, 'Record not found'); } if (!error && res.statusCode == 500) { console.log('Server error.')); xmpp.send(from, 'Server error. Please ping admin'); } }); console.log('unlocks')); } // Send VFC from coinbase to Pixel2 (Metamask) else if (message === "vfc" || message === "Vfc") { ami.action({ 'action':'originate', 'channel':'SIP/' + asterisk_callfrom, 'context': asterisk_context, 'callerID' : asterisk_callerID, 'exten' : '832', 'priority' : '1', }); request(vfc_url, (error, res, body) => { if (error) { return }; if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) { const balance = user_name + " has " + res.body + " VFC"; xmpp.send(from, balance); console.log(chalk.yellow(balance)); } }); console.log('vfc')); } // Get latest toots (RSS) else if (message === "rss" || message === "Rss") { (async () => { let feed = await parser.parseURL(rss_url); // console.log(feed.title); feed.items.forEach(item => { console.log(item.title + ':' + xmpp.send(from, item.title) }); })(); } // PING else if (message === "ping" || message === 'Ping') { xmpp.send(from, "Pinging " + user_name + "! Please stand by."); xmpp.send(user_jid, from + " has pinged you!"); client.publish(mqtt_topic, from + ' has pinged you!'); ami.action({ 'action':'originate', 'channel':'SIP/' + asterisk_callfrom, 'context': asterisk_context, 'callerID' : asterisk_callerID, 'data': 'googletts.agi, \"hello. ' + from + ' has pinged you!\"', 'application': 'agi' }); console.log('ping')); let guf = `${gotify_url}/message?token=${gotify_api_key}&message=${from} ${gotify_message}&title=${gotify_title}&priority=${gotify_priority}`; let gufe = encodeURI(guf);, function (err, response, body) { if(err){ console.log('error:', err)); } }); } // WEATHER else if (message === "weather" || message === 'Weather') { xmpp.send(from, "Checking weather. Please hold...\r\n \r\n"); request(weather_url, function (err, response, body) { if(err){ console.log('error:', err)); } else { let w = JSON.parse(body); let wm = city_name + " Weather: \r\n Tempature: " + w.main.temp + " degrees. \r\n Conditions: " +[0].main + "\r\n Pressure: " + w.main.pressure + " \r\n Wind Direction: " + d2d(w.wind.deg) + "\r\n Wind Speed: " + w.wind.speed + " m.p.h. \r\n"; let wmc = city_name + " Weather: Tempature: " + w.main.temp + " degrees. Conditions: " +[0].main + ". Pressure: " + w.main.pressure + ". Wind Direction: " + d2d(w.wind.deg) + ". Wind Speed: " + w.wind.speed + " miles per hour \r\n"; console.log(chalk.yellow(wm)); client.publish('weather/temp', 'w.main.temp'); client.publish('weather/conditions', '[0].main'); client.publish('weather/pressure', 'w.main.pressure'); client.publish('weather/wind/direction', 'd2d(w.wind.deg)'); client.publish('weather/wind/speed', 'w.wind.speed'); xmpp.send(from, wm); /* ami.action({ 'action':'originate', 'channel':'SIP/' + asterisk_callfrom, 'context': asterisk_context, 'callerID' : asterisk_callerID, 'data': 'googletts.agi,' + wmc, 'application': 'agi' }); */ } }); console.log('weather')); } // BYE else if (message === 'bye' || message === "Bye" && from != user_jid) { xmpp.send(from, "Bye, have a beautiful time!"); if (from === user_jid || message === "!bye") { xmpp.send(from, "Alrighty, shutting down. Goodbye!"); console.log('Admin shutdown.')); process.exit(1) } console.log('bye')); } // VCARD (WIP) else if (message === 'vcard' && from === user_jid){ xmpp.getVCard(from, function (vcard) { xmpp.send(from, vcard); console.log(chalk.yellow(vcard)) }) } // AUTO REPLY (ALL OTHER MESSAGES) else { xmpp.send(from, "This is an auto replying bot. Reply \"help\" for more info."); console.log('autoreply')); } }); // CATCH XMPP ERRORS xmpp.on('error', function(err) { console.error(err); }); // EXTENDING XEPS (WIP) /* xmpp.on('chatstate', function(from, state) { console.log(chalk.yellow(state)); }); xmpp.on('buddy', function(jid, state, statusText, resource) { console.log(chalk.yellow(state + statusText + resource)); }); */ // CONNECT TO XMPP! xmpp.connect({ jid: bot_jid, password: bot_password, host: bot_hostname, port: 5222 }); // CHECK FOR NEW INCOMING REQUESTS console.log(chalk.yellow(xmpp.getRoster()));