This repository has been archived on 2023-11-11. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
stephen da3390bc89
Creating files for prosidy, and openfire
Moved ejabberd to it's own file as well.
2022-06-02 21:48:12 -04:00

574 lines
23 KiB
Executable File

// initialize required packages
const fs = require('fs');
const ini = require('ini');
const mastodon = require('mastodon');
const mqtt = require('mqtt');
const request = require('request');
const rgbcolor = require('rgb-color');
const xmpp = require('simple-xmpp');
// check a config.ini is in current directory
try {
fs.readFileSync('./config.ini', 'utf-8');
// read config.ini
const config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.ini', 'utf-8'));
// check if user debugging is enabled
const debugging = config.debug;
// Asterisk config
const asterisk_callfrom = config.asterisk.callfrom;
const asterisk_callerID = config.asterisk.callerID;
const asterisk_callto = config.asterisk.callerto;
const asterisk_context = config.asterisk.context;
const calls_enabled = config.asterisk.enabled;
const asterisk_host =;
const asterisk_password = config.asterisk.password;
const asterisk_port = config.asterisk.port;
const asterisk_user = config.asterisk.user;
// Bot config
const bot_hostname =;
const bot_jid =;
const bot_password =;
const bot_port =;
// Gotify config
const gotify_api_url = config.gotify.api_url;
const gotify_enabled = config.gotify.enabled;
const gotify_key = config.gotify.key;
const gotify_message = config.gotify.message;
const gotify_priority = config.gotify.priority;
const gotify_title = config.gotify.title;
// Mastodon config
const mastodon_api_url = config.mastodon.api_url;
const mastodon_enabled = config.mastodon.enabled;
const mastodon_token = config.mastodon.token;
const mastodon_toot = config.mastodon.toot;
const mastodon_user = config.mastodon.user;
// MQTT config
const mqtt_enabled = config.mqtt.enabled;
const mqtt_message = config.mqtt.message;
const mqtt_password = config.mqtt.password;
const mqtt_server = config.mqtt.server;
const mqtt_topic = config.mqtt.topic;
const mqtt_user = config.mqtt.user;
// Tuya (Smart Lights) config
const tuya_name =;
const tuya_bright_url = config.tuya.bright_url;
const tuya_color_url = config.tuya.color_url;
const tuya_status_url = config.tuya.status_url;
const tuya_toggle_url = config.tuya.toggle_url;
const tuya_reauth_url = config.tuya.reauth_url;
// Unlocks API config
const unlocks_api_url = config.unlocks.api_url;
const unlocks_pass = config.unlocks.pass;
const unlocks_user = config.unlocks.user;
// User config (authorized user)
const user_jid = config.user.jid //.split('/')[0];
const user_name =;
const user_server = config.user.server;
// Weather config
const weather_key =;
const weather_city_code =;
const weather_city_name =;
const weather_units =;
// Private channel creation (uses friends secion of config.ini to invite them to a private chat)
const xmpp_api_url = config.xmpp.api_url;
const xmpp_auth = config.xmpp.key;
const xmpp_muc_name = config.xmpp.muc_name;
const xmpp_muc_password = config.xmpp.muc_password;
const xmpp_muc_server = config.xmpp.muc_server;
const xmpp_server_type = config.xmpp.server_type;
// setup private command message
let pc = 'This is a private command. Please see for your own instance!';
// setup weather_url for !weather command
let weather_url = `${weather_city_code}&appid=${weather_key}&units=${weather_units}`
// initialize asterisk
var ami = new require('asterisk-manager')(asterisk_port, asterisk_host, asterisk_user, asterisk_password, false);
// initialize mqtt
var client = mqtt.connect('tcp://' + mqtt_user + ':' + mqtt_password + '@' + mqtt_server);
// initialize mastodon
var M = new mastodon({
access_token: `${mastodon_token}`,
timeout_ms: 60 * 1000,
api_url: `${mastodon_api_url}`,
// thx:
// converts numerical degree direction from weather api to a direction name
function getDirection(angle) {
var directions = ['North', 'North-East', 'East', 'South-East', 'South', 'South-West', 'West', 'North-West'];
var index = Math.round(((angle %= 360) < 0 ? angle + 360 : angle) / 45) % 8;
return directions[index];
// setup friends list
const friends = Object.keys(config.friends);
xmpp.on('online', function (data, to) {
// once we're online, we'll send a message alerting xmpp admins
console.log('Connected with JID: ' + bot_jid);
//xmpp.send(user_jid, "[ONLINE]", false);
// send mqtt online message
if (mqtt_enabled === "1"){
client.publish(mqtt_topic, mqtt_message);
// toot online message
if (mastodon_enabled === "1"){'statuses', {
status: `${mastodon_toot}`
// wait for incoming messages
xmpp.on('chat', function (from, message) {
// check if user enabled asterisk
function call(call_data) {
if (calls_enabled === '1') {
'action': 'originate',
'channel': 'SIP/' + asterisk_callfrom,
'context': asterisk_context,
'callerID': asterisk_callerID,
'data': 'googletts.agi,' + call_data,
'application': 'agi'
// check is user enabled debugging
function debug() {
if (debugging === '1') {
// http request errors
function resError(error, res) {
if (!error && res.statusCode == 401) {
console.log('Invalid credentials');
xmpp.send(from, 'Invalid credentials');
if (!error && res.statusCode == 404) {
console.log('Record not found');
xmpp.send(from, 'Record not found');
if (!error && res.statusCode == 500) {
console.log('Server error.');
xmpp.send(from, 'Server error. Please ping admin');
// setup gotify url
let gotifyURL = `${gotify_api_url}/message?token=${gotify_key}&message=${from} ${gotify_message}&title=${gotify_title}&priority=${gotify_priority}`;
let gotifyEUrl = encodeURI(gotifyURL);
// !help reply
if (message === '!help') {
xmpp.send(from, '');
// !unlocks reply
else if (message === '!unlocks') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
var d = new Date();
var weekday = new Array(7);
weekday[0] = "Sunday";
weekday[1] = "Monday";
weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
weekday[4] = "Thursday";
weekday[5] = "Friday";
weekday[6] = "Saturday";
var n = weekday[d.getDay()];
// get latest unlocks
request(unlocks_api_url + "?columns=" + n, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
// check for valid api response
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
var unlockBody = new RegExp(':(.*)}');
var unlockBodyMatch = body.match(unlockBody);
// setup unlocks message
const unlockFinalMessage = user_name + " has " + unlockBodyMatch[1] + " unlocks for " + n;
xmpp.send(from, unlockFinalMessage);
// call user with unlocks if asterisk enabled
// check for http errors
resError(error, res);
// output xmpp, and request errors if debugging is enabled.
// Toot Unlocks
else if (message === '!tootunlocks') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
var d = new Date();
var weekday = new Array(7);
weekday[0] = "Sunday";
weekday[1] = "Monday";
weekday[2] = "Tuesday";
weekday[3] = "Wednesday";
weekday[4] = "Thursday";
weekday[5] = "Friday";
weekday[6] = "Saturday";
var n = weekday[d.getDay()];
// get latest unlocks
request(unlocks_api_url + "?columns=" + n, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
var unlockBody = new RegExp(':(.*)}');
var unlockBodyMatch = body.match(unlockBody);
const unlockFinalMessage = "@" + config.mastodon.user + " has " + unlockBodyMatch[1] + " unlocks for " + n;'statuses', {
status: unlockFinalMessage
resError(error, res);
// Tuya light control
else if (message === '!lights') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// get current light status
request(tuya_status_url, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
if (res.body === "true") {
const stat = tuya_name + ": On";
xmpp.send(from, stat);
} else if (res.body === "false") {
const stat = tuya_name + ": Off";
xmpp.send(from, stat);
} else {
xmpp.send(from, "Unknown reply from api call. Please reply ping to reach an admin.");
console.log("Tuya API: Unknown reply!");
resError(error, res);
} else if (message === '!lightsauth') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// refresh tokens for Tuya API
request(tuya_reauth_url, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
xmpp.send(from, 'Refreshing Tuya API auth keys');
resError(error, res);
} else if (message === tuya_name + ' on') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// turn on light
request(tuya_toggle_url + "?stat=true&devname=" + tuya_name, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
const stat = tuya_name + " has been turned on";
xmpp.send(from, stat);
resError(error, res);
} else if (message === tuya_name + ' off') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// turn off light
request(tuya_toggle_url + "?stat=false&devname=" + tuya_name, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
const stat = tuya_name + " has been turned off";
xmpp.send(from, stat);
resError(error, res);
} else if (message.includes(tuya_name + ' brightness')) {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
var per = message.substring(message.indexOf("brightness") + 10);
var perc = (per * 10)
// get brightness of light
request(tuya_bright_url + "?brite=" + perc + "&devname=" + tuya_name, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
xmpp.send(from, tuya_name + " set to " + per + "%");
resError(error, res);
if (config.debug === '1') {
console.log('lights turned to ' + per + "%");
} else if (message.includes(tuya_name + ' color')) {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// change light color
request(tuya_toggle_url + "?stat=true&devname=" + tuya_name, (error, res, body) => {})
var color = message.substring(message.indexOf("color") + 6);
var colorRgb = rgbcolor(color);
if (colorRgb.isValid()) {
var obj = colorRgb.channels();
console.log(obj.r + ', ' + obj.g + ', ' + obj.b);
request(tuya_color_url + "?r=" + colorRgb.r + "&g=" + colorRgb.g + "&b=" + colorRgb.b + "&devname=" + tuya_name, (error, res, body) => {
if (error) {
return console.log(error)
if (!error && res.statusCode == 200) {
xmpp.send(from, tuya_name + "set to " + color);
console.log(tuya_name + "set to " + color);
resError(error, res);
if (config.debug === '1') {
console.log(tuya_name + "set to " + color);
// Ping a user to let them know you would like to communicate
else if (message === '!ping') {
// send xmpp ping message to message author
xmpp.send(from, "Pinging " + user_name + "! Please stand by.");
// send xmpp ping message to admin
xmpp.send(user_jid, from + " has pinged you!");
// send mqtt ping message
client.publish(mqtt_topic, from + ' has pinged you!');
// set gotify ping message to admin, function (err, response, body) {
if (err) {
console.log('error:', err);
// call admin alerting of authors ping
call_data = "hello. " + from + " has pinged you!"
// Check the weather using weatherunderground API
else if (message === '!weather') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// check current weather
request(weather_url, function (err, response, body) {
if (err) {
console.log('error:', err);
} else {
let w = JSON.parse(body);
let wm = weather_city_name + " Weather: Tempature: " + w.main.temp + " degrees. Conditions: " +[0].main + ". Pressure: " +
w.main.pressure + ". Wind Direction: " + getDirection(w.wind.deg) + ". Wind Speed: " + w.wind.speed + " miles per hour \r\n";
// send weather to mqtt
client.publish('weather/temp', '' + w.main.temp + '');
client.publish('weather/conditions', '' +[0].main + '');
client.publish('weather/pressure', '' + w.main.pressure + '');
client.publish('weather/wind/direction', '' + getDirection(w.wind.deg) + '');
client.publish('weather/wind/speed', '' + w.wind.speed + '');
// send weather to xmpp admin
xmpp.send(from, wm);
// call admin with latest weather report
// Sends a nice goodbye message
else if (message === '!bye') {
xmpp.send(from, "Bye, have a beautiful time!");
// Share-A-Command which was #13, but kinda turned into a different command
// This will generate a private channel, and add the users in the friends
// secion from config.ini
// Please note this section requires you to have an Ejabberd server.
// I am welcome to pull requests for other servers (maybe set type in config.ini)
else if (message === '!meet') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
if (xmpp_server_type === "ejabberd"){
fs.readFileSync('./servers/ejabberd.js', 'utf-8');
xmpp.send(from, "Alright. Starting a new meeting: " + xmpp_muc_name + "@" + xmpp_muc_server + " and inviting friends");
else if (xmpp_server_type === "prosidy"){
xmpp.send(from, "Ejabberd is the only supported server at the moment.")
xmpp.send(from, "Please see")
else if (xmpp_server_type === "openfire"){
fs.readFileSync('./servers/openfire.js', 'utf-8');
// End meeting
else if (message === '!endmeet') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// end meeting (delete private xmpp room)
const endMeeting = {
method: 'POST',
url: xmpp_api_url + '/destroy_room',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: xmpp_auth
body: {
name: xmpp_muc_name,
service: xmpp_muc_server
json: true
// send room delete request
request(endMeeting, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
for (const key in config.friends) {
// alert friends meeting has ended
xmpp.send(key, "Meeting ended");
// Shutsdown bot if admin sends shutdown command (linux)
else if (message === "sudo shutdown now -h") {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, from + " is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.");
console.log(from + ' tried to shut me down!');
} else {
// send shutdown message
xmpp.send(from, "Alrighty, shutting down. Goodbye!");
// kill bot
// Get users vCard (WIP)
else if (message === '!vcard') {
if (from != user_jid) {
xmpp.send(from, pc);
} else {
// get user_jid vcard (profile info)
xmpp.getVCard(from, function (vcard) {
xmpp.send(from, vcard);
// If the user sends something we don't have logic for, send them info about the project
else {
xmpp.send(from, "This is an auto replying bot. Please see");
// Catch and log XMPP errors
xmpp.on('error', function (err) {
// Set XMPP status
xmpp.setPresence('chat', '');
// Alas, we connect to XMPP!
jid: bot_jid,
password: bot_password,
host: bot_hostname,
port: bot_port
// subscribe to friends
xmpp.on('subscribe', function (from) {
if (from in config.friends == true) {
console.log('accepting subsciption request from ' + from);
// accept pending subscription requests
// check for incoming subscription requests
// subscribe to any incoming subscription requests
console.log('requesting subscription to ' + from);
} else {
console.log('denied subscription request from: ' + from + " as they are not in the friends section of config.ini");
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
console.log("\r\n SigInt receieved. Shutdown eminent!")
xmpp.send(user_jid, "SigInt receieved. Shutdown eminent!")
} catch (e) {
console.log("Please create a config.ini");
console.log("and choose your prefered install method.");