
67 lines
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Speedrunning Leaderboard Entry
`draft` `optional`
This NIP defines event kind `7602` as a submission to a game's speedrunning leaderboard, specified via a unique `g` tag.
Each game's leaderboard has optional Categories, Variations, Platform, Level, Region and Version tags to allow for the creation of alternate sub-leaderboards under one game.
"kind": 7602,
"tags": [
["g", "<Unique Identifier for the game>"],
["c", "<Category Identifier the submission is for>", <Long Name>], //E.g. A%G (Any% Glitchless), AlAc (All Achievements)
["v", "<Variation of the category the submission is for>", <Long Name>], //E.g. for Celeste AnyP (Any%), ARB (All Red berries), TE (True Ending) etc.
["plt", "<Platform Identifier>"], //E.g. N64, EMU
["reg", "<3 Letter ISO Country Code>"], //E.g. JPN, AUS
["lvl", "<Level>"], //E.g. FG, W1L1, F3OS
["ver", "<Version>"], //Version the submission is ran on e.g.
["rlt", "<Start Unix Time>", "<Stop Unix Time>"], //Real Life Time, subtract Start from Stop to get actual time
["igt", "<Start Unix Time>", "<Stop Unix Time>"], //In-Game Time
["proof", "<Link to proof>"] //e.g. Twitch Vod, replay file
"content": "<Description for run>" //User written comment about run if desired
Tags can be entered multiple times if required, such as a game having multiple varieties under one category. E.g. Pizza Tower Full Game Any% has Playable Character and Glitches? varieties.
An example of a potential Super Mario 64 120 Star N64 run submission.
"kind": 7602,
"tags": [
["g", "SM64"],
["c", "120S", "120 Star"],
["plt", "N64"],
["reg", "JPN"],
["rlt", "1587370820", "1587376601"],
["proof", ""]
"content": "WR run",
"created_at": "1714228879",
"pubkey": "1a6ea253df444f434417bdcaf9d4aef75f00921965e1afd836da0ae9cd1a0e074cb3490bb4cc26ead75af",
"sig": "076b3405407f26b87ff9333fa336c1c6fbdfc27f2f"
## Reporting a submission
[NIP-56]( reports should be used to report runs.
"kind": 1984,
"tags": [
["e", <eventId>, "doubt"],
["p", <pubkey>]
"content": "<Reason for report>",
Clients can decide whether or not to display a run based on the number of reports.