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EOSE Extensions

draft optional

This NIP defines an extension to the EOSE message that allows relays to convey additional information to clients.

Extended EOSE

An extended EOSE is an EOSE message, with the 2nd parameter being the "extensions object". For example: ["EOSE","example-sub",{"example_ext":"example value"}]

An EOSE extension is a field in the extensions object. This may contain any value.

Experimental extensions SHOULD use the x_ prefix for the object key.

Clients MUST NOT rely on relays implementing any extensions.


This NIP defines a set of standard extensions.



The value of this extension MUST be an integer if present, and should specify the next until value the client should use for pagination. This MAY be higher or lower than the lowest created_at, and the clients SHOULD NOT perform any modifications to this value.


The value of this extension MUST be a string or null if present, and represents a cursor the client can use to paginate this query. If the value is null, then it indicates that no more events are available for the given set of filters. To get more events, the client MUST send a REQ with the same filters (except limit, which can be changed), and the cursor string in the 1st filter with the key cursor. Example:

< ["REQ", "examplereq1", {"kinds": [1], "limit": 1}, {"authors": ["..."], "limit": 1}]
> ["EVENT", "examplereq1", ...]
> ["EOSE", "examplereq1", {"cursor": "example-cursor-string", ...}]
< ["CLOSE", "examplereq1"]
< ["REQ", "examplereq2", {"kinds": [1], "limit": 5, "cursor": "example-cursor-string"}, {"authors": ["..."], "limit": 5}]
> ["EVENT", "examplereq2", ...]

This cursor MUST be valid for the duration of the connection, and MAY be valid in a new connection. A relay may indicate a cursor is no longer valid by sending a CLOSED with the prefix bad-cursor: .

The value of this extension MUST be a boolean if present, and indicates if the client should AUTH to get more events that match this query. This is a less disruptive alternative to CLOSED with auth-required: for filters that don't explicitly ask for access controlled events, but may match them.