2024-03-07 16:51:05 -06:00

6.8 KiB


JavaScript Registry

draft optional

JavaScript source files may be stored by relays, and then imported into web browsers or development environments.

This NIP defines two kinds:

  • 8394 - JavaScript source file.
  • 8395 - TypeScript source file.

In both cases, the content field contains the source code of the file.

  "kind": 8394,
  "id": "c17cf2f43580ad8238703ea32fb55c90c93402ca1f7d38085381f32c0f00e459",
  "pubkey": "c5dce01ee61fc62f62e2a825e2d598a839653b3175e0dcc072b1fe3c885f84a7",
  "created_at": 1709848074,
  "tags": [],
  "content": "/**\n * Infinite async generator. Iterates messages pushed to it until closed.\n * Only one consumer is expected to use a Machina instance at a time.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * // Create the Machina instance\n * const machina = new Machina<string>();\n *\n * // Async generator loop\n * async function getMessages() {\n *   for await (const msg of {\n *     console.log(msg);\n *   }\n * }\n *\n * // Start the generator\n * getMessages();\n *\n * // Push messages to it\n * machina.push('hello!');\n * machina.push('whats up?');\n * machina.push('greetings');\n * ```\n */\nexport class Machina {\n  #queue = [];\n  #resolve;\n  #aborted = false;\n\n  constructor(signal) {\n    if (signal?.aborted) {\n      this.abort();\n    } else {\n      signal?.addEventListener('abort', () => this.abort(), { once: true });\n    }\n  }\n\n  /** Get messages as an AsyncGenerator. */\n  async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {\n    while (!this.#aborted) {\n      if (this.#queue.length) {\n        yield this.#queue.shift();\n        continue;\n      }\n\n      await new Promise((_resolve) => {\n        this.#resolve = _resolve;\n      });\n    }\n\n    throw new DOMException('The signal has been aborted', 'AbortError');\n  }\n\n  /** Push a message into the Machina instance, making it available to the consumer of `stream()`. */\n  push(data) {\n    this.#queue.push(data);\n    this.#resolve?.();\n  }\n\n  /** Stops streaming and throws an error to the consumer. */\n  abort() {\n    this.#aborted = true;\n    this.#resolve?.();\n  }\n}\n",
  "sig": "f644529abdf7ea12c570800847ccc337201fe6c47ea8e09902017e04d6f87605c4c3ab7cece1189df9271a27df06e0da0c6f35375098004644d4dfbc38ba78e7"
  "kind": 8395,
  "id": "3047567edd9d74f694c648850fef128963973379be6a42f49d40c90524fbc079",
  "pubkey": "c5dce01ee61fc62f62e2a825e2d598a839653b3175e0dcc072b1fe3c885f84a7",
  "created_at": 1709847680,
  "tags": [],
  "content": "/**\n * Infinite async generator. Iterates messages pushed to it until closed.\n * Only one consumer is expected to use a Machina instance at a time.\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * // Create the Machina instance\n * const machina = new Machina<string>();\n *\n * // Async generator loop\n * async function getMessages() {\n *   for await (const msg of {\n *     console.log(msg);\n *   }\n * }\n *\n * // Start the generator\n * getMessages();\n *\n * // Push messages to it\n * machina.push('hello!');\n * machina.push('whats up?');\n * machina.push('greetings');\n * ```\n */\nexport class Machina<T> {\n  #queue: T[] = [];\n  #resolve: (() => void) | undefined;\n  #aborted = false;\n\n  constructor(signal?: AbortSignal) {\n    if (signal?.aborted) {\n      this.abort();\n    } else {\n      signal?.addEventListener('abort', () => this.abort(), { once: true });\n    }\n  }\n\n  /** Get messages as an AsyncGenerator. */\n  async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator<T> {\n    while (!this.#aborted) {\n      if (this.#queue.length) {\n        yield this.#queue.shift() as T;\n        continue;\n      }\n\n      await new Promise<void>((_resolve) => {\n        this.#resolve = _resolve;\n      });\n    }\n\n    throw new DOMException('The signal has been aborted', 'AbortError');\n  }\n\n  /** Push a message into the Machina instance, making it available to the consumer of `stream()`. */\n  push(data: T): void {\n    this.#queue.push(data);\n    this.#resolve?.();\n  }\n\n  /** Stops streaming and throws an error to the consumer. */\n  private abort(): void {\n    this.#aborted = true;\n    this.#resolve?.();\n  }\n}\n",
  "sig": "b01ab6e2273bc33594dde5634c68add95c6273b8a864bf8f4c8a85564db3e3df2c9981a3c5d8694cc4fa0e0f984635d6b51d5ca352eff96b7cb789c39429d303"


Source code events are considered immutable, and should NOT be deleted by supported clients or relays in response to kind 5 deletion requests. Relays may still remove content for any reason.

Relays can indicate support for immutability by adding this NIP to their supported_nips field.


It is possible to import JavaScript modules in supported runtimes using an HTTP Nostr gateway:


A gateway will:

  • Try to look up the event (or else return 404).
  • Check that the event is of kind 8394 or 8395 (or else return 4xx).
  • Return the content field of the event as the response body.
  • Set an appropriate Content-Type header on the response.

Usage with web browsers

Web browsers can use script tags to import JavaScript modules from a gateway:

<script type="module" src="https://gateway.tld/note1xpr4vlkan460d9xxfzzslmcj393ewvmehe4y9ayagrys2f8mcpus9rk8kj"></script>

It is also possible to use module imports within the script tag:

<script type="module">
  import { Machina } from 'https://gateway.tld/note1xpr4vlkan460d9xxfzzslmcj393ewvmehe4y9ayagrys2f8mcpus9rk8kj';

See JavaScript modules on MDN for more details.

Usage with Deno

Like web browsers, Deno can import modules from a gateway using URLs:

import { Machina } from 'https://gateway.tld/note1xpr4vlkan460d9xxfzzslmcj393ewvmehe4y9ayagrys2f8mcpus9rk8kj';

Import maps

Import maps are supported by both Deno and web browsers, enabling us to configure the Nostr HTTP gateway once, and then use Nostr identifiers within our code:

  "imports": {
    "nostr/": "https://gateway.tld/"

Our code becomes:

import { Machina } from 'nostr/note1xpr4vlkan460d9xxfzzslmcj393ewvmehe4y9ayagrys2f8mcpus9rk8kj';

Now if a gateway goes offline, we can switch to a different one by changing only the import map.

JavaScript formats

Kind 8394 events may be JavaScript modules (with import/export statements) or IIFE (immediately-invoked function expression) scripts.

Kind 8395 events are TypeScript modules.


Modules may depend on other modules. In this case, import maps are NOT optional. All imports must either be absolute URLs, or they must use the nostr/ prefix and be resolved using an import map. The user agent must resolve the import map before attempting to fetch the module.