2023-09-10 23:40:34 +09:00

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Public Chat

draft optional author:ChristopherDavid author:fiatjaf author:jb55 author:Cameri

This NIP defines new event kinds for public chat channels, channel messages, and basic client-side moderation:

  • 40: Channel Creation
  • 30041: Channel Metadata
  • 42: Channel Message
  • 43: Hide Nessage
  • 44: Mute User

Client-centric moderation gives client developers discretion over what types of content they want included in their apps, while imposing no additional requirements on relays.

Kind 40: Channel Creation

Create a public chat channel.

The id of a kind 40 event is regarded as an identifier of the channel by other public chat related event kinds.

In the channel creation content field, Client SHOULD include basic channel metadata (name, about, picture as specified in kind 30041).

    "content": "{\"name\": \"Demo Channel\", \"about\": \"A test channel.\", \"picture\": \"\"}",

Kind 30041: Channel Metadata

A parameterized replaceable event for updating a channel's public metadata.

The value of "d" tag MUST be the id of the channel creation event for the channel to be updated. In addition, clients MAY use "e" tags to recommend a relay.

Clients SHOULD support basic metadata fields:

  • name - string - Channel name
  • about - string - Channel description
  • picture - string - URL of channel picture

Clients MAY add additional metadata fields.

Clients SHOULD ignore kind 30041s from pubkeys other than the creator of the channel to be updated.

    "content": "{\"name\": \"Updated Demo Channel\", \"about\": \"Updating a test channel.\", \"picture\": \"\"}",
    "tags": [
        ["d", <kind_40_event_id>],
        ["e", <kind_40_event_id>, <relay-url>],

Deprecation of kind 41

kind 41, formerly used to update channel metadata, is now deprecated in favor of kind 30041.

Kind 42: Channel Message

Send a text message to a channel.

Clients SHOULD use NIP-10 marked e tags to recommend a relay and specify whether it is a reply or root message.

Clients SHOULD append NIP-10 p tags to replies.

Root message:

    "content": <string>,
    "tags": [["e", <kind_40_event_id>, <relay-url>, "root"]],

Reply to another message:

    "content": <string>,
    "tags": [
        ["e", <kind_40_event_id>, <relay-url>, "root"],
        ["e", <kind_42_event_id>, <relay-url>, "reply"],
        ["p", <pubkey>, <relay-url>],

Kind 43: Hide Message

User no longer wants to see a certain message.

The content may optionally include metadata such as a reason.

Clients SHOULD hide event 42s shown to a given user, if there is an event 43 from that user matching the event 42 id.

Clients MAY hide event 42s for other users other than the user who sent the event 43.

(For example, if three users 'hide' an event giving a reason that includes the word 'pornography', a Nostr client that is an iOS app may choose to hide that message for all iOS clients.)

    "content": "{\"reason\": \"Dick pic\"}",
    "tags": [["e", <kind_42_event_id>]],

Kind 44: Mute User

User no longer wants to see messages from another user.

The content may optionally include metadata such as a reason.

Clients SHOULD hide event 42s shown to a given user, if there is an event 44 from that user matching the event 42 pubkey.

Clients MAY hide event 42s for users other than the user who sent the event 44.

    "content": "{\"reason\": \"Posting dick pics\"}",
    "tags": [["p", <pubkey>]],

NIP-10 relay recommendations

For NIP-10 relay recommendations, clients generally SHOULD use the relay URL of the original (oldest) kind 40 event.

Clients MAY recommend any relay URL. For example, if a relay hosting the original kind 40 event for a channel goes offline, clients could instead fetch channel data from a backup relay, or a relay that clients trust more than the original relay.


If we're solving censorship-resistant communication for social media, we may as well solve it also for Telegram-style messaging.

We can bring the global conversation out from walled gardens into a true public square open to all.

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