2024-05-17 11:10:16 -04:00

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Unix Domain Socket Communication


For the purpose of this NIP, we will define a standard way to communicate via Unix Domain Sockets (UDS). UDS is a way to communicate between processes on the same machine. This NIP will define a standard way to communicate between the client and the server.

Defining the file path for UDS

UDS needs a file path as a qualifier so that both client and server can agree on a place to exchange information.

The system wide file path will be chosen as /tmp/nip55

The user specific file path will be chosen as ~/.nostr/nip55


Communications over this socket will be done via the JSON-RPC collection found in NIP-46. This will allow for a standard way to communicate between the client and the server.


Managing private keys across multiple applications can be tedious and insecure.

By centralizing key management, users can store their private keys in a single, secure application. This key management application will handle all signing requests from other applications via UDS, ensuring that private keys are never exposed to individual applications.