2023-08-13 12:37:36 +02:00

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NIP-97: Files hosted on relay

final optional author:ondra-novak

This NIP solves the problem of sharing and distributing binary content over NOSTR networks such as media - images, short videos, music, or in general any files up to a certain size

Key Takeaways

  • Builds on NIP-94
  • Defines how binary content (images, media, files) is managed by NOSTR network
  • Allows sending private binary content in direct messages (encrypted)
  • Defines new commands at the protocol level ("FILE","RETRIEVE")
  • Uses the binary messages in the websocket connection

Changes in File header (NIP-94)

  "id": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded sha256 of the the serialized event data>,
  "pubkey": <32-bytes lowercase hex-encoded public key of the event creator>,
  "created_at": <unix timestamp in seconds>,
  "kind": 1063,
  "tags": [
    ["m", <MIME type>],
    ["x",<Hash SHA-256>],
    ["size", <size of file in bytes>],
    ["url",<optional - string with URI of file>],
    ["aes-256-gcm",<key>, <iv>],
    ["dim", <size of file in pixels>],
    ["blurhash", <value>]
  "content": <description>,
  "sig": <64-bytes hex of the signature of the sha256 hash of the serialized event data, which is the same as the "id" field>
  • url is optional - This item can be still filled with a link to an external server. This may help during the transition period when the client is uploading the file to third party servers for relays that don't support this NIP.

  • new tag f - it means indexed flag. Currently NOSTR protocol doesn't have a way to assign arbitrary flags to events. In this case, the flag has the value file. This field is mandatory and it's purpose is to indicate presence of a binary content associated with this event.

NOTE - when copying events from one relay to another, the service must check for the presence of a tag ["f":"file"]. If such a tag exists on the event, it must also ensure that the binary content is copied as well

Compatibility note - Since there are probably many relays and proxies that do not support this NIP, it may happen that the event will be copied without the binary content. If a client discovers, that the relay does not have that content, or it doesn't even support this NIP, the client is not required to look for that content elsewhere, instead it can indicate to the user the unavailability of that content.


A new protocol level command is introduced for upload: FILE

Protocol flow

client: ["FILE", <file-header-event>]
relay:  ["OK","<event-id">,true,"continue"]
client: <binary message - content of the file>
relay:  ["OK",<event-id>, true, ""]

The client MUST notify the relay that it is about to send a binary file. This is just implemented by the new 'FILE' command. The command "allocates" the binary channel of the websocket connection for file transfer. This will allow this binary channel to be used for other purposes in the future.

The command parameter is a modified file header event(see above) which must contain the tags x,m,f and size.

  • f - MUST be presented with value file
  • x - MUST contain SHA256 of the binary content stored as HEX
  • m - MUST contain content type as mime specification. If the content type is unknown, use application/octet-stream
  • size - MUST contain size of the binary content.

Binary message

The standard binary message is used as defined in the websocket specification. The message can be fragmented (continuation frames can be used)


The relay MUST always respond with a NIP-20 response to both the command and the binary message.

Response to the command FILE is OK, with status true - which signals that relay is ready to accept a binary message as binary content of the file. The text part of the response is just informational for debugging purpose.

If the relay respons with status false, or the response is not OK message, the client MUST NOT send any binary message. The text part of the response contains explanation of the error (similar to NIP-20)

The relay must also respond once it receives the binary message if it was correctly announced using the FILE command. The response is also OK, with status true for success or false for failure.

This proposal doesn't define response for binary messages sent without the announcement

Special error messages

  • max_size: <size in bytes> - this error message informs that file is too big.
  • invalid: file mismatch - received binary content doesn't match to announced metadata in the associated event

Rules for state control

  1. The relay SHOULD NOT accept any binary message without prior anouncement.
  2. The relay SHOULD publish event after successful binary transfer.
  3. The relay MUST NOT publish an event with incomplette binary transfer.
  4. If a FILE command is sent after another FILE without sending a binary message between them, the previous operation is cancelled and the associated event MUST NOT be published.
  5. If a client sends FILE command and then closes the connection without sending a binary message, the operation is canceled and event MUST NOT be published.
  6. If the connection is closed during reading a binary message (continuation frames), the operation is canceled and event MUST NOT be published.
  7. If the received binary message is corrupted (hash or size doesn't match), the relay MUST NOT publish the event and signal this to the client using appropriate response.
  8. Relay is free to choose not to accept binary content for any reason. For example, Relay may test submitted images for explicit or copyrighted content and reject such content.

Possible implementation - clients

  1. calculates SHA256 hash of the binary content
  2. prepares the file header event, fills mandatory tags (hash, size, mime type, and flag s:relay)
  3. signs the file header event
  4. sends the command FILE with the event to the relay
  5. reads a response received from the relay
  6. if the response indicates rejection (status: false), stops the operation, handles error
  7. sends the binary content as a binary message
  8. reads a response received from the relay
  9. if the response indicates rejection (status: false), stops the operation, handles error
  10. indicates success to the user

Possible implementation - relays

  • assume that relay has separate processor for text and binary messages
  • assume that relay process messages asynchronously
  1. the relay receives FILE command by text channel processor.
  2. checks the validity of the event
  3. checks for mandatory fields
  4. responds with failure state if the checks fail (on text channel) - done
  5. passes the event to the binary channel processor and configures it to receive the binary content
  6. responds with success state on text channel
  7. the processor for binary messages receives a message
  8. calculates SHA256 hash, check hash validity, checks size
  9. responds with failure state if the checks fail (on text channel) - done
  10. responds with success state otherwise (on text channel), stores the binary content and publishes the event

Recommendation: A relay that supports this NIP SHOULD check if a 1063 si event is published by the EVENT command with the f flag set and reject the request.

client: ["EVENT",{"id","abc123","kind":1063,"tags":[["f","file"],....],....}]
relay: ["OK","abc123",false,"invalid: use command FILE"]


The RETRIEVE command is used to download the binary file from the relay

Protocol flow

client: ["RETRIEVE","<event-id>"]
relay:  ["OK","<event-id>", true, ""]
relay:  <binary message>

NOTE the binary content is referenced by the event's id (not by the file hash).

If the binary file does not exist, the response looks like this

client: ["RETRIEVE","<event-id>"]
relay:  ["OK","<event-id>", false, "missing: not found"]

In this case, the relay MUST NOT generate a binary message

NOTE: It may indeed happen that binary content is unavailable even though there is an event for it. The client must be prepared for this eventuality. For example, the event might have been incorrectly published, or the relay database may have been corrupted, or the content might been deleted for copyrighted or explicit content.

** error messages **


  • missing: not found
  • missing: removed for legal reasons
  • missing: removed for explicit content
  • blocked: unauthorized
  • blocked: unavailable in current location

Retrieve the content by URL (optional)

This part of the proposal uses the option to insert additional information into the event that is not part of the signature.

If the relay caches files, for example, on CDN servers, it can announce availablity of the contnet using the "file_url" field inserted directly to the event (do not mix with tag "url", as this information inserted by the relay and so it is not signed)

   "kind": 1063,

This is optional extension, the client still can use "RETRIEVE" to download the file.

Changes in relay information document (NIP-11)

New item is added to the "limitation" section

 "limitation": {
    "max_file_size": 262144,
  • max_file_size - maximum size of binary content in bytes. This value can be greater than the value max_message_size. This value is mandatory for the relay supporting this NIP. The relay MUST NOT assume that max_message_size defines maximum size of a fragment as there are many websocket clients that are unable to control size of fragments from their API. This includes all majority browsers.