2023-03-14 10:37:35 -04:00

88 lines
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# NIP-100 WebRTC
`draft` `optional` `author:jacany`
This NIP defines how to do WebRTC communication over nostr
## Defining Rooms
Rooms are essentially the space that you will be connected to. This must be defined by a `r` tag following the pubkey of the person you are connected to or some other identifier (maybe a lobby id for a joinable voice channel, etc.)
### Broadcasting that you are present
Announces that you are here, and ready to connect to others.
The connection ID is inferred from the provided pubkey.
"kind": 25050,
"pubkey": "<sender pubkey>",
"tags": [
["type", "connect"],
["r", "<room id>"]
### Closing
"kind": 25050,
"pubkey": "<sender pubkey>",
"tags": [
["type", "disconnect"],
["r", "<room id>"]
### Offering to connect
Used when responding to a `type:connect`. Offering to connect to that peer.
"kind": 25050,
"pubkey": "<sender pubkey>",
"tags": [
["type", "offer"],
["p", "<reciever pubkey>"],
["r", "<room id>"]
"content": {
"offer": "<offer>",
"type": "offer"
### Answering an Offer
"kind": 25050,
"pubkey": "<sender pubkey>",
"tags": [
["type", "answer"],
["p", "<reciever pubkey>"],
["r", "<room id>"]
"content": {
"sdp": "<sdp>",
"type": "answer"
### Broadcasting ICE Candidate
"kind": 25050,
"pubkey": "<sender pubkey>",
"tags": [
["type", "candidate"],
["p", "<reciever pubkey>"],
["r", "<room id>"]
"content": {
"candidate": "<sdp>",
Essentially, just directly feed what comes out of the WebRTC functions straight into the `content` field. It makes things cleaner and easier.