2024-07-30 13:14:15 +02:00

10 KiB

NIP-66: Relay Discovery and Liveness Monitoring

draft optional

You want to find relays. You may want to discover relays based on criteria that's up to date. You may even want to ensure that you have a complete dataset. You probably want to filter relays based on their reported liveness.

In its purest form:

  "sig": "<signature>",
  "pubkey": "<pubkey>", 
  "id": "<eventid>",
  "content": "{}",
  "created_at": 1722173222,
  "kind": 30166,
  "tags": [

This event signals that the relay at wss:// was reported "online" by <pubkey> at timestamp 1722173222. This event MAY be extended upon to include more information.


This NIP defines two (2) event kinds, 10166 and 30166

kind name description
10166 Relay Monitor Announcement An RE that stores data to publish intent to monitor and details around their activities
30166 Relay Discovery A PRE that is published by a monitor when a relay is online


  • Relay Operator: someone who operates a relay
  • Monitor Service: a group or individual that monitors the network
  • Monitor: a piece of software that aggregates network data and publishes that data at a specified frequency.
  • Check: a specific data point that is tested or aggregated by a monitor.

10166: "Relay Monitor Announcement" Events


10166 is a replacable event herein referred to as "Relay Monitor Announcement" events. These events contain information about a publisher's intent to monitor and publish data as NIP-66 events.


To provide a directory of monitors, their intent to publish, their criteria and parameters of monitoring activities. Absence of the 10166 event is not encouraged, but if absent implies the monitor is ad-hoc and does not publish events at a predictable frequency.


Non-Indexed Tags

  • frequency The frequency in seconds at which the monitor publishes events. A string-integer at index 1 represents the expected frequency the monitor will publish 30166 events. There should only be 1 frequency per monitor. A -1 frequency means that the monitor does not publish events at a predictable frequency.

    [ "frequency", "3600" ]
  • timeout (optional) The timeout values for various checks conducted by a monitor. Index 1 is the monitor's timeout in milliseconds. Index 2 describes what test the timeout is used for, for example open, read, write, nip11, etc. If no index 2 is provided, it is inferred that the timeout provided applies to all tests. These values can assist relay operators in understanding data signaled by the monitor in Relay Discovery Events.

    [ "timeout", "2000", "open" ],
    [ "timeout", "2000", "read" ],
    [ "timeout", "3000", "write" ],
    [ "timeout", "2000", "nip11" ],
    [ "timeout", "4000", "ssl" ]

Indexed Tags

  • c "Checks" SHOULD be a lowercase string describing the check(s) conducted by a monitor. Some examples are: ws, nip11, ssl, dns, geo, etc. Other checks MAY be included. New types of checks SHOULD be added to this NIP as they are needed.

    [ "c", "ws" ],
    [ "c", "nip11" ],
    [ "c", "dns" ],
    [ "c", "geo" ],
    [ "c", "ssl" ],
  • g: NIP-52 g tags (geohash)

    [ "g", "9r1652whz" ]
  • Any other globally defined indexable tags MAY be included as found necessary.

Other Requirements

Monitors SHOULD have the following

  • A published 0 (NIP-1) event
  • A published 10002 (NIP-65) event that defines the relays the monitor publishes to.

Robust Example of a 10166 Event

  "id": "<eventid>",
  "pubkey": "<monitor's pubkey>",
  "created_at": "<created_at  [some recent date ...]>",
  "signature": "<signature>",
  "content": "",
  "tags": [  
    [ "url", "https://a.good.monitor/"],

    [ "timeout", "open", "5000"  ],
    [ "timeout", "read", "3000"  ],
    [ "timeout", "write", "3000" ],
    [ "timeout", "nip11", "3000" ],

    [ "frequency", "3600" ],

    [ "c", "ws" ],
    [ "c", "nip11" ],
    [ "c", "ssl" ],
    [ "c", "dns" ],
    [ "c", "geo" ]

    [ "g", "ww8p1r4t8" ]

30166: "Relay Discovery"


30166 is a NIP-33 Parameterized-Replaceable Event [PRE], referred to as a "Relay Discovery" event. These events are optimized with a small footprint for protocol-level relay Discovery.


Enables the discovery of relays via nostr protocol.



30166 content fields MAY include the stringified JSON of the relay's NIP-11 informational document. This data MAY be provided for informational purposes only.


The created_at field in a NIP-66 event should reflect the time when the relay liveness (and potentially other data points) was checked.


Meta Tags (unindexed)
  • rtt-open The relay's open round-trip time in milliseconds.
  • rtt-read The relay's read round-trip time in milliseconds.
  • rtt-write The relay's write round-trip time in milliseconds.

Other rtt values MAY be present. This NIP should be updated if there is value found in more rtt values.

Single Letter Tags (indexed)
  • d The relay URL. The #d tag must be included in the event.tags[] array. Index position 1 must be the relay websocket URL. The URL SHOULD be normalized

    [ "d", "wss://"]
  • n: Network

    [ "n", "clearnet" ]
  • T: Relay Type. Enumerated relay type formatted as PascalCase

    ["T", "PrivateInbox" ]
  • N: Supported Nips From NIP-11 "Informational Document" nip11.supported_nips[]

    [ "N", "33" ]
  • R: Requirements NIP-11 "Informational Document" nip11.limitations.payment_required, nip11.limitations.auth_required and/or any other boolean value within nip11.limitations[] that is added in the future

    [ "R", "payment" ],
    [ "R", "auth" ],

    Since the nostr protocol does not currently support filtering on whether an indexed tag is or is not set, to make "public" and "no auth" relays discoverable requires a ! flag

    [ "R", "!payment" ], //is public
    [ "R", "!auth" ], //no authentication required
  • t: "Topics" From NIP-11 "Informational Document" nip11.tags[]

    [ "t", "nsfw" ]
  • k: Accepted Kinds

    [ "k", "0" ],
    [ "k", "3" ],
    [ "k", "10002" ]
  • g: NIP-52 g tags (geohash)

    [ "g", "9r1652whz" ]
  • 30166 MAY be extended with global tags defined by other NIPs that do no collide with locally defined indices, including but not limited to: p, t, e, a, i and l/L.

Robust Example of a 30166 Event

Relay was online, and you can filter on a number of different tags

  "id": "<eventid>",
  "pubkey": "<monitor's pubkey>",
  "created_at": "<created_at  [some recent date ...]>",
  "signature": "<signature>",
  "content": "{}",
  "kind": 30166,
  "tags": [  
    ["n", "clearnet"],
    ["N", "40"],
    ["N", "33"],
    ["R", "!payment"],
    ["R", "auth"],
    ["g", "ww8p1r4t8"],
    ["p", "somehexkey..."],
    ["l", "en", "ISO-639-1"],
    ["t", "nsfw" ],
    ["rtt-open", 234 ]


  1. A Relay Monitor checks the liveness of a relay at the frequency defined in their 10166.

  2. Relay Monitor publishes a kind 30166 note when a relay it is monitoring is online.

Relay Monitors that publish 30166 events SHOULD at a minimum be checking that the relay is available by websocket and behaves like a relay

  1. In most cases, a client SHOULD filter on 30166 events using either a staticly or dynamically chosen monitor's pubkey and a created_at value respective of the monitor's published frequency.

  2. Relay Liveness is subjectively determined by the client, starting with the frequency value of a monitor.

  3. The liveness of a Relay Monitor can be subjectively determined by detecting whether the Relay Monitor has published events within the specified frequency.

  4. The reliability and trustworthiness of a Relay Monitor could be established via web-of-trust, reviews or similar mechanisms.

Use Cases

  1. Geographic Relay Discovery: Identify relays situated near a specific geographic location or within a particular country, facilitating localized network interactions.

  2. NIP Support Filtering: Search for relays based on their support for specific Nostr Implementation Possibilities (NIPs), ensuring compatibility with desired protocol features.

  3. Accessibility Search: Locate relays that are free to use

  4. Real-Time Status Monitoring: Utilize a status client to display up-to-date statuses of various relays, providing insights into their current operational state.

  5. Relay Network Analysis: Analyze connections and patterns between relays using their IP addresses, aiding in network topology understanding and security assessments.

  6. Error Detection in Relay Listings: Spot and rectify erroneous entries in relay lists.

  7. Performance Benchmarking: Compare relays based on performance metrics like round-trip times and uptime, aiding in the selection of the most efficient relays for specific needs.

  8. Language and Content Filtering: Identify relays catering to specific languages or content types, enabling users to engage in a more targeted and relevant social networking experience.


  • draft1 implemented in January 2023 and proposed February 2023. "Too many one-letter indexable tags"
  • draft2 experimented with March 2023 "Everything should be expirable"
  • draft3 experimented, never proposed
  • draft4 experimented, never proposed
  • draft5 proposed December 2023, "Needs to be indexed"
  • draft6 proposed February 2024, "Just use one-letter indexable tags" (lol) and split Discovery and parse cases.
  • draft7 proposed July 2024, remove Relay Meta, offload case onto existing nips.